Verse of the Day {KJV}

Monday, September 9, 2013

Puerto Rico and Then Onto Mexico

Cuba -and now Puerto Rico and then Mexico!? Oh yeah! 

I won't say our family is full of fuddy-duddies when it comes to trying new foods but - oh who am I kidding!? We are a bunch of creatures of habit and we like our 'usual' foods. This book though is changing that! 

The photo above (sorry it's really not that great of a photo!) is from a dish from Puerto Rico. It's called Carne Guisada, or beef stew. I've made beef stew before- a few times actually. What makes this one different? It's got some kick! It has flavor that mine is usually lacking. 

We all liked this. It reminded me of chili, stew-style and sans the beans. 

Next stop is Mexico...for real tacos.

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