Verse of the Day {KJV}

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Reading List on the Net {01.14.15}

Making or breaking a habit. I clicked on this because while cleaning up my papers the other day (hoarding is a habit I am trying to break), I found CM's steps to habit formation (most likely copy/pasted from the AO forum):
1. Commit ourselves to the time and energy required for the task. Do not being until we are committed.
2. Pray for strength and perseverance.
3. Talk with the child; form a mother-child team determined to acquire the good habit.
4. Don't allow the old bad habit, or, expect the new good habit.
5. Remind the child as needed, in a way that keeps mother and child on the same team.
6. Challenge the child to excel, if appropriate.
7. Permit NO reversion.
8. Guard the habit.

Overlapping, interlocking connections of life. At the CMI blog, Leann Burkholder talks about a holistic education- a CM one, of course. And here's a blog post by a CM-graduate that touches a little on Karen Glass's Consider This, a great book. But why I posted here is because I really like how both talk not about how this education affords them great test scores, but how it allows for growth and relationships. Something that is missing in many people's lives. Also both of these show how CM isn't just for the K-12 education: It is for life.

Food...just because it's good, or good for you, doesn't mean we need to consume it to excess. Here's two posts about this: Jaque & Briana Thomas

Veterans who were homeless in New Orleans get homes. In a challenge put forth by the First Lady, many states have vowed to end homelessness of veterans. New Orleans was the first to succeed in that challenge.

And another about education: Making kids read at early ages isn't always the best practice. Common Core requires pre kindergarten and kindergarten students to learn to read to facilitate stronger reading in the future. Unfortunately there is no research to back this reasoning as accurate and positive, and more evidence against the practice.

Bloggers don't need a niche. I don't guess I have a niche, and according to Amy, it's not necessary. My blog isn't for the purpose of making money, or further my reach. But reading her post, it's got me thinking that in writing (blog or otherwise) there needs to be a focus. At the end of post, she gives four ways to help find focus. I just noticed the post was written in 2012. Not that that really makes a difference. Focus is still good.

"If you do not fail often, you're not trying hard enough." I'm not sure I like or agree with that statement. Saw it on a twitter post.

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