Verse of the Day {KJV}

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Reading List on the Net {01.14-18.15}

"And with any luck, the word will settle back into its original meaning, sans the unsolicited remix of dominant white culture." Perhaps I am too sheltered but I don't hear much of the culture words used. The word 'bae' apparently was a term used by blacks, much like 'honey' is used by...well, just about anyone. The little post was interesting to get a glimpse of words crossing cultures; I'd like to hear about more words that have crossed.

Colleges are needing to offer many remedial courses because students entering are at 6th or 7th grade reading levels. "The study also found that most high school graduates don't do much with mathematics past eighth-grade compared to students in other high-achieveing countries." Here's the study that Campus Reform used to get their information: Renaissance Learning. (from the foreword of that study: "There is no drug experience that compares to reading The Hobbit for the first time, at the age of twelve. Or The Wind in The Willows at any age. Or Anne of Green Gables or Maniac McGee, or a million other books just waiting for you to find them, and millions yet to be written." -Rodman Philbrick)

Having never believed the "I went to heaven and here's what I saw" stories, I'm not surprised that the "co-author" of The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven has recanted his story and is saying that he didn't really die or go to heaven. And it's just a play on words here but it was all "Malarkey". And having never been to Pulpit and Pen, I'm looking around the site more because this statement in the referenced post: "The Bible is enough. The Bible is sufficient. Christ is enough. Christ is sufficient."

Putting these here because I want to read them but have to work on school at the moment:

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