Verse of the Day {KJV}

Friday, August 23, 2013

Glimpse of Week #5- 2013/2014 School Year

An attempt at a weekly wrap up. I wanted to title this "Week of Mondays" but refrained. I'll try to keep this real but not too whiny.

Monday- school-wise was not too bad. It definitely felt like a Monday though. The kids and I went grocery shopping and I did some freezer cooking. Narrations are going well. Still work to be done.

I placed the order for the next math for Lee: Life of Fred Geometry.

I also placed my very first BIG Mary Kay order. I am excited and nervous about getting things going.

Tuesday- I FINISHED MY TAX COURSE! whew...that was the highlight of my day. Honestly don't recall much else lol.

Fortunately, there are records of what we did that day. Chemistry! We don't do it well... I wish we could have some fancy curriculum or chemistry set for our class ...but we don't. And even if we did, I'm still me. We read from a few books that are interesting and informative. And we attempt science experiments. What else do we really need? {don't tell me about this or that program... shhhhh...let me have my bliss} This isn't the best photo- somewhat blurry and there's still part of the label stuck to the jar. But I think you can see the strings in the syrup {sugar water that Fox wants to use on his pancakes- gag!}.

Wednesday- The kids and I had to go to Mentor to check on a bird and some plants {Lee's bird sitting and plant watering while a family is away on vacation}. We found good deals at the Walgreen's there: 2 dozen eggs for $1 and 2 Arizona teas for $1. Fox had taken some money out of the bank to buy himself paper and we discovered it's not make from trees. Oooooo. Lol. It is made from sugarcane husks and bamboo. Other than the smell it's just like other paper. It was on sale, too. *wink*

I got a heads up for a free student ID card site- with free shipping! It's called Alphacard, and the free shipping is always but the free student ID card is until 9/30/13 or until supplies last. It says it takes 2-4 weeks for delivery. They are not really fancy but better than what we personally had before. I love the ones from Homeschool Buyer's Co-op that can be printed out and I've never purchased one from them. I'm thinking Alphacard's will work perfect for us. Lee chose a blue bubble/splatter background and Fox chose the books background. Looking forward to getting them! 

Fox went back to Young Marines after almost a month. His platoon had gone to Washington, D. C., at the end of July. Fox didn't go because we plan on going as a family later in the year. Well, we were a little guilt ridden for saying he couldn't go {he didn't mind; he wanted his first time there to be a family affair}. It's a good thing he did not go. His platoon was the worst they've ever been. Apparently two of the boys that went actually got in a physical fight in front of high ranking officials. The boys were apparently flat out rude to others as well. Things were so bad that one of the volunteers who'd been with this group {not the same individuals, just the platoon} for four years, quit. I feel quite sorry for the Commanding Officer of my son's platoon. He tries hard and seems he gets nothing but grief in return. Apparently there was some 'restructuring' of the platoon when they got back. We are praying that things turn around for the platoon.

Lee and I made it to prayer meeting. We talked about baptism on our drive home.

Thursday- My computer made me mad. Yep. I was so not happy with it. I decided to wipe it clean. It took quite awhile. Things did not go smoothly. I think I should have waited to do the deed until after school requirements were out of the way...but no. I did not. I wiped it clean and it wouldn't work! That'll teach me to get mad at an electronic, right?

Since I am on it now {this is Friday}, it did eventually get worked out but was just such a hassle. I don't know which was worse; it's horrid slowness followed by crashing programs or having to redo the reboot more than once and then reinstall, repair drivers. Eh, it's done now. But anyhow. Two days {since it was funky on Wednesday as well} of "No, you cannot use the computer" kind of put a cramp on The Weekly Barden. It's been postponed until... maybe Saturday?

We went to Willoughby this morning for the kids' ASL Club meeting. I learned the sign for turtle! 

Friday- It's Friday...although it's felt like Monday for a good portion of it. School went quite well even with the kids walking to the library. They were gone for 2 hours and still managed to get school done by 2 something.

I'm still unhappy with my computer. 122 updates later and it has multiple issues. 

Oh here is our science experiment today.

And I think that's as far as my wrap up will go for this week. Overall, really, I guess it's not been too bad but for some reason it's felt like it has been. Now I'm off to watch some homemade flying videos my hubby made. Here's one that has all his videos and photos but someone else's edits and music {ahem, my hubby does better}.


  1. Science experiment looks great.

    1. Thank you, Nita! Science is a big concern in our school since we aren't particularly science minded. Or so we think ;)
      Thank you for stopping by!


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