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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Life After Internet {at home, that is} & Other Going-Ons

I'm in the preparing stage. I haven't gotten to the denial stage, or the anger stage, but I'm sure those will come. It'll be an indefinite separation. 

Of course, I will still have access to the internet at the library. It just won't be the same.

I am looking for blogging schedules to help me organize and maximize my time while online. I am a member of the Facebook group Blogging Homeschoolers, where I was directed to some great templates for just this purpose. Here are my favorites {so far}:

This is the one I used last year {but the link is for this year}:

Here are a couple more that I am bookmarking but I don't like quite as much:

I really want ones with minimum amount of color since I have to print them. At our libraries we are allowed to print, for free, 10 pages a day. I could conceivably print them off at the library and save some ink. I will start with a few months printed from home.  

And onto other things. I had a challenge in August to get my Mary Kay business going- and had friends help me meet that challenge. My latest challenge is to help a family in need through my business. I've been praying for which family, or possibly an organization locally, to help. There are two families in my church that come to mind or one 'organization' at a different church that helps the homeless that I am considering. 

My goal? To use the profits from sales through my Mary Kay from the month of September to give to an individual, family, or organization that is chosen. Personally, I could only give a small amount financially but collectively, I know that more can be raised to help those in need. If you'd be interested, please place an order at my website (*no longer active*) and the profit will go to someone in need. If you would like to give and help but would rather not make a purchase, please contact me and I'd be happy to include your donation in with the rest. 

And in more 'other going-ons', I am praying about a couple business opportunities next month. I won't say more about them until I know one way or the other how I should proceed. One is super exciting and I wanted to just jump on it- that was a clue to me that I needed to think it through better. And definitely pray about it. I have a tendency to act before praying or really thinking and then I'm in over my head.

And finally- school is going great! Ah...hehee. Wait, um, I am not supposed to tell fibs. Let's try that again. School is going well. we have 2 more weeks before our next break and we are behind in a few things but chugging along nicely in others. I'm honestly thinking *I* need more discipline and focus than the kids do. My next purchase for school will be a teacher's planner. My plan to use Evernote, while a good plan, isn't working for me so well. I don't refer back to it and instead find myself using random spiral notebooks with pencil & paper. Shocking, I know. 

I did find a website to hopefully help with Fox and I getting through Francis Bacon essays. Hopefully. 

Back to the life after internet: I think I've been trying to cram in as much screen time as possible these last two weeks! I don't know what it is I'm looking for really. The sites I visit are the same I always visit and for the most part, nothing has drastically changed. It's as if I think going Friday through Monday without the internet will change the entire world! I'll get back on and everything I know will be different. Or something like that.

Perhaps it's a little {lot?} like when I gave up gluten or sugar. The week before, I binged on both. I'm sure someone with psychological training and education could tell why I do that. 

Before I forget, there's a few more days to enter the BrimWood Press $25 Gift Card giveaway. It ends 9/14/13 with the winner being chosen randomly by {via Rafflecopter}. There are low entries right now. Only 5 actually! 

Next week I will be sharing about the book Not Just Tacos, even more than I have been through my 'teaser' posts. It's a great cookbook. I'll admit I was pleasantly surprised. 

Alright, well I must get back to my life off of the computer for awhile. 


  1. I will miss knowing you are "there" Blossom but I admire your courage in making this change! Glad you aren't leaving forever! Your words and your support of my words mean a lot to me.

    Blessings always,



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