Verse of the Day {KJV}

Thursday, August 15, 2013

School and In General -the Bad and the Good

It's not Friday so it's not a weekly wrap-up but it feels like there needs to be an update. For some reason, I don't know why.

Today is Thursday- not Monday although it's felt like it all day. Week 4 and...but... I feel like it's week 29! I'm not at burnout but I feel a tad whelmed. Yes, that's probably the best word for it. I'm not quite overwhelmed. There just doesn't feel like there was any rest. We've not gone all gung-ho into school again and we did have almost 2 months off from last year to this year.

Too much on my plate? Too much on their schedules? Too much... something? Not enough of something else? I just cannot put my finger on it!

In this post, I'll share what's been good ... and I'll be honest and share what's been not so good.

First, let's just get the not so good out there. As homeschoolers {oh gee, let's face it: as parents} we all have hours, days, or even weeks and months when things are just not going so well. It's not good to just pretend that everything is peachy. It's not healthy!

Chores... not getting done as well as they should. That goes for the kids and myself. Although I did get the table cleaned off ...for a chemistry experiment that didn't happen.

And although the table got cleaned off...the stuff just migrated to different spots.

I was going to take a photo of the kitchen area and then thought better of it. It's a little scary at the moment...but the dishwasher is running. There is hope.

Attitudes...they are lacking to put it nicely. We have a little 'helper' on our whiteboard but uh, I'm not sure he's visible enough and obviously not vocal enough to help us when we need it.

Lee has contemplated making Mr. Awesome and Mr. Negative badges for us to wear when we are being one or the other.

Inconsistency...I think this is mostly my doing. However, both kids know what they need to do and know how to do it. We're all responsible for ourselves. Sloppy school work, sloppy chores, incomplete tasks, etc. Constant works in progress!

Computer issues... it's been awhile so I'm mostly used to it by now. It's just getting old. Next month some time my internet contract is up, so I'm considering no more home internet. That means much less computer usage. I don't know if that's a good or not so good thing. Another on my list of things that overwhelms me. 

And finally, things that are somewhat beyond our control: unavailable resources for school. Fox has been doing German since last school year and Lee wishes to continue with Latin. I had resources -free for Fox, have to purchase for Lee- for both of these. Now the German resources aren't doing what we need them to do. It's looking like I will need to purchase a program. And for Lee, I don't have the funds yet to purchase her next Latin level! She's just about done with her math as well. The next level will need to be procured ASAP. It's always tough when we can't provide something. I don't want to short-change their education. It'll come together, I know, but in the meantime it's one of the things adding to my feeling of 'overwhelmed'. 

Now for the good! It's good to end on a positive note. 

I'm very happy {still} with our school choices. The curriculum at Ambleside Online is very challenging but interesting at the same time. Both of the kids, although not always, are enjoying their books. I honestly couldn't say without asking right at the moment which books are their favorites. But it's evident when they do their readings and narrations that they are 'getting it'.
I had a website through weebly that I'd compiled books from AO/HEO that are Kindle Ready but AO has updated their site recently to include a lot of the links {or better ones} that I'd found. I'm going to be giving up that site and the work that it entails. It was a sporadic source of income for me but I'd been changing the links to free sites as much as possible. That caused a drop in revenue. I won't get rid of the site -the address- but it's focus will probably change.  I did renew my domain name here at blogger but... I may be switching it all to the weebly site. I won't pay for a domain name again, I don't think. I'm still in the 'considering' stage. 

I've been doing really well with THM and am at the lowest I've been since I was in my early 20s. I don't want to go much lower and need to work on strength and endurance now. This morning's breakfast was a THM recipe: Trim Healthy Pancakes. I tweaked the recipe to include garbanzo bean flour as well as oats. Some of our dinner meals have als been THM and for the most part, acceptable to the rest of the family. Absolutely NO cooked radishes in any of the dishes that are meant for the entire family. It's been firmly requested by dear hubby.

Speaking of radishes! that's the only thing that has grown in our garden this year. It's quite discouraging that nothing else has BUT it hasn't really bothered me enough to fit in my list of overwhelming things *wink*.

I am hoping the cool weather will be good for the broccoli that is still in the garden. It hasn't grown large enough to even produce any florets. It's still warm enough, I think that it could still give us some good produce. It remains to be seen.

As silly as this may sound to others who are followers of Christ: I have just recently come to the understanding -true, in my heart as well as my head- that prayer before a decision is necessary. I may have a delayed understanding but the light bulb has finally come on and wow! it's bright! The way the light bulb was turned on? My Mary Kay Director prayed for me, on the phone, before I took her challenge to sell 25 items to get my business going.

I did not pray before I made the decision to rejoin Mary Kay. I did not pray when I signed up for a website. I did not pray when I first put myself out there that I'd made the commitment. And the result? Nothing. I got nothing. So what happened after prayer? I am 10 items closer to my 25 item goal, and I feel more peace about the endeavor. I believe prayer works but senselessly I've not been utilizing it very well. In this business aspect or other aspects of my life. It's a work in progress but now that the light is on, I hope to keep it shining.

I've been studying my Bible more consistently and it's amazing how much I missed by trying to make sure I got it read in a year. I am enjoying it. I'm not pressured to get it in and mark off the day's reading. I've started a notebook with my studying. Following a chronological schedule still, I'm not concerned about what day I'm supposed to be on. I'm learning what God has for me to learn from his Word. Someday I'll even be able to think of verses off the top of my head for situations and circumstances (Deut 6:7? teach them diligently unto thy of them when you sittest in your house...when you walkest by the way...when you liest down...and when you risest up- how'd I do? I'll have to look!).

And I think I will leave this post on that note. I started this post with the feeling of heaviness; I feel relieved. I write my blog posts for a number of purposes: to get the words out of my head, to reflect on our homeschooling and life in general, and to possibly help others if even a small way.


  1. I write my posts for the same reasons - I have something to say! Or a need to feel a part of something! This was just real-life post :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Laura. It's nice to know I'm not 'alone'.

  2. Thank you for the prayer reminder. I have also been trying to remember to pray before I do yhings like plan our schoolyeear but many times I forget. I know you will find the language and math resources your children need! Have a great week!

    1. I think we're works in progress, Briana :)
      Thanks for stopping by to say hi.


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