Not that I’m switching curriculum because it’s AO every time. We’ve come far from our start with CM/AO and I’m impressed with my kiddos. We still won’t cover absolutely everything on the booklist or on the schedule but I’m confident in what we, they, will accomplish. You can see the original Y10 and Y8 AO booklist and weekly schedules at AO’s official site.
I’m getting this all down now and out of the way. Just about all of the books have been acquired but for just a couple. Next step will be the week by week break down. Another post may detail our science plan (not that we really did so well with our ‘plan’ for science this year lol- it’s good to have a plan anyway). There are still 2 weeks left of the 2012-2013 school year but I’m looking forward to next year! *I’m also looking forward to our break in between
This may seem like a long post but it’s mostly just because I’m spelling out (snicker) all my abbreviations for the year for each student in this post. Of course, it might also have some mistakes. This is possibly the first year using AO that we will have so many physical books. There are links here in this post, none are affiliate links and all link to free resources.
Lee: 11th grade, Y10
Book abbreviations (some books used all terms, some *T1, others **T2 &/or ***T3):
TCS: The Christian’s Secret to a Happy Life (devotion) –ebook
AHAP: A History of the American People (history) –physical book
*KUTC: Key to Uncle Tom’s Cabin (history) –online
*TSotA: The Spirit of the Age (short bios) –online
*UFS: Up From Slavery (history) –online
*WtB: Walking the Bible (geography) –physical book
EB: Evaluating Books (govt/econ) –physical book
*TL: The Law, Bastiat (govt/econ) –online
CiD: Character is Destiny (citizenship) –physical book
CE: Current Events (citizenship) –online
WB: Weekly Barden (citizenship/current events/writing)
TSCW: Thinking Straight in a Crooked World (worldview) –physical book
HOEL: History of English Literature (literature/history) –physical book
LM: Les Miserables (literature) –ebook
*UTC: Uncle Tom’s Cabin (literature) –physical book
ROtOS: Roar On the Other Side (poetry) –physical book
POWA: Paradigm Online Writing Assistant (composition) –pdf
LoF: Life of Fred Advanced Algebra, Geometry (math) –physical book
NWtS: North With the Spring (nature study/science) –physical book
HtRaB: How to Read a Book (logic) –physical book
* **AoA: Art of Argument (logic) –physical book
YSGtC: Young Scholar’s Guide to Composers (music) –pdf
TCS: The Christian’s Secret to a Happy Life (devotion) –ebook
AHAP: A History of the American People (history) –physical book
*KUTC: Key to Uncle Tom’s Cabin (history) –online
*TSotA: The Spirit of the Age (short bios) –online
*UFS: Up From Slavery (history) –online
*WtB: Walking the Bible (geography) –physical book
EB: Evaluating Books (govt/econ) –physical book
*TL: The Law, Bastiat (govt/econ) –online
CiD: Character is Destiny (citizenship) –physical book
CE: Current Events (citizenship) –online
WB: Weekly Barden (citizenship/current events/writing)
TSCW: Thinking Straight in a Crooked World (worldview) –physical book
HOEL: History of English Literature (literature/history) –physical book
LM: Les Miserables (literature) –ebook
*UTC: Uncle Tom’s Cabin (literature) –physical book
ROtOS: Roar On the Other Side (poetry) –physical book
POWA: Paradigm Online Writing Assistant (composition) –pdf
LoF: Life of Fred Advanced Algebra, Geometry (math) –physical book
NWtS: North With the Spring (nature study/science) –physical book
HtRaB: How to Read a Book (logic) –physical book
* **AoA: Art of Argument (logic) –physical book
YSGtC: Young Scholar’s Guide to Composers (music) –pdf
Term 1Bible: Reading, verses, TCS
History/Biography: AHAP, TSotA, UFS, Speeches/Documents
Geography: Eothen, WtB, Seterra
Govt/Econ: EB, TL
Citizenship: Ourselves, CiD, CE, WB
Worldview: TSCW
Literature: HOEL, LM, UTC, KUTC
Essays: various
Poetry: Coleridge, RotOS
Grammar/Composition: POWA, written narrations
Math: LoF
Science: Chemistry
Nature Study: journaling, NWtS
Logic: HtRaB, AoA
Art: Degas, Manet, independent projects
Music: YSGtC, practice (trumpet, piano?)
Health/PE: Nutrition 101, other books (?), outdoor activities, homeschool events
Foreign Language: Latin, Sign Language
Free reads: UFS, WtB (those 2 at-your-own-pace, but must be completed by end of term), NWtS, LM (those 2 year-long), any from AO’s list
History/Biography: AHAP, TSotA, UFS, Speeches/Documents
Geography: Eothen, WtB, Seterra
Govt/Econ: EB, TL
Citizenship: Ourselves, CiD, CE, WB
Worldview: TSCW
Literature: HOEL, LM, UTC, KUTC
Essays: various
Poetry: Coleridge, RotOS
Grammar/Composition: POWA, written narrations
Math: LoF
Science: Chemistry
Nature Study: journaling, NWtS
Logic: HtRaB, AoA
Art: Degas, Manet, independent projects
Music: YSGtC, practice (trumpet, piano?)
Health/PE: Nutrition 101, other books (?), outdoor activities, homeschool events
Foreign Language: Latin, Sign Language
Free reads: UFS, WtB (those 2 at-your-own-pace, but must be completed by end of term), NWtS, LM (those 2 year-long), any from AO’s list
Book abbreviations not mentioned above (used **T2 &/or ***T3 when specified):
KA: Killer Angels –physical book
ASAL: A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln –ebook
** ***TOT: The Oregon Trail –online
** ***ToB: Tower of Babel –pdf
FR: Frankenstein –ebook
** ***DJMH: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde –ebook
KA: Killer Angels –physical book
ASAL: A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln –ebook
** ***TOT: The Oregon Trail –online
** ***ToB: Tower of Babel –pdf
FR: Frankenstein –ebook
** ***DJMH: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde –ebook
Term 2Bible: Reading, verses, TCS
History/Biography: AHAP, KA, ASAL, Speeches/Documents
Geography: Eothen, TOT Seterra
Govt/Econ: EB, Sowell Essays
Citizenship: Ourselves, ToB, CE, WB
Worldview: TSCW
Literature: HOEL, LM, FR, DJMH
Essays: various
Poetry: E. B. Browning, RotOS
Grammar/Composition: POWA, written narrations
Math: LoF
Science: Chemistry
Nature Study: journaling, NWtS
Logic: HtRaB, AoA (? may be finished Term 1)
Art: Hudson River School Artists, independent projects
Music: YSGtC, practice (trumpet, piano?)
Health/PE: Nutrition 101, other books (?), outdoor activities, homeschool events
Foreign Language: Latin, Sign Language
Free reads: NWtS (year-long), any from AO’s list
History/Biography: AHAP, KA, ASAL, Speeches/Documents
Geography: Eothen, TOT Seterra
Govt/Econ: EB, Sowell Essays
Citizenship: Ourselves, ToB, CE, WB
Worldview: TSCW
Literature: HOEL, LM, FR, DJMH
Essays: various
Poetry: E. B. Browning, RotOS
Grammar/Composition: POWA, written narrations
Math: LoF
Science: Chemistry
Nature Study: journaling, NWtS
Logic: HtRaB, AoA (? may be finished Term 1)
Art: Hudson River School Artists, independent projects
Music: YSGtC, practice (trumpet, piano?)
Health/PE: Nutrition 101, other books (?), outdoor activities, homeschool events
Foreign Language: Latin, Sign Language
Free reads: NWtS (year-long), any from AO’s list
Book abbreviations not mentioned above (only used T3):
BMH: Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee –physical book
QV: In the Days of Queen Victoria –ebook
OL: On Liberty –online
GA: Graves of Academe –online
SM: Silas Marner –physical book
BMH: Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee –physical book
QV: In the Days of Queen Victoria –ebook
OL: On Liberty –online
GA: Graves of Academe –online
SM: Silas Marner –physical book
Term 3Bible: Reading, verses, TCS
History/Biography: AHAP, BMH, QV, Speeches/Documents
Geography: Eothen, TOT, Seterra
Govt/Econ: EB, OL, GA
Citizenship: Ourselves, CiD, ToB (?), CE, WB
Worldview: TSCW
Literature: HOEL, LM, DJMH (?), SM
Essays: various
Poetry: E. B. Browning, RotOS
Grammar/Composition: POWA, written narrations
Math: LoF
Science: Chemistry
Nature Study: journaling, NWtS
Logic: HtRaB
Art: Hudson River School Artists, independent projects
Music: YSGtC, practice (trumpet, piano?)
Health/PE: Nutrition 101, other books (?), outdoor activities, homeschool events
Foreign Language: Latin, Sign Language
Free reads: NWtS (year-long), any from AO’s list
History/Biography: AHAP, BMH, QV, Speeches/Documents
Geography: Eothen, TOT, Seterra
Govt/Econ: EB, OL, GA
Citizenship: Ourselves, CiD, ToB (?), CE, WB
Worldview: TSCW
Literature: HOEL, LM, DJMH (?), SM
Essays: various
Poetry: E. B. Browning, RotOS
Grammar/Composition: POWA, written narrations
Math: LoF
Science: Chemistry
Nature Study: journaling, NWtS
Logic: HtRaB
Art: Hudson River School Artists, independent projects
Music: YSGtC, practice (trumpet, piano?)
Health/PE: Nutrition 101, other books (?), outdoor activities, homeschool events
Foreign Language: Latin, Sign Language
Free reads: NWtS (year-long), any from AO’s list
Fox: 9th grade, Y8
Book abbreviations (some used all terms, some only *T1, others **T2 &/or ***T3):
TCC: The Case for Christ (devotion) –physical book
TNW: The New World (history) –physical book
*AMFAS: A Man For All Seasons (history/biography) –movie/movie guide
*LSFB: Life of Sir Francis Bacon (history/biography/citizenship) –online
GD: Galileo’s Daughter (biography/history) –physical book
TLCC: The Life of Christopher Columbus From His Own Letters and Journals (geography/history) –ebook
WHJ?: Whatever Happened to Justice? (govt) –physical book
CTAP: Christian Theology and Ancient Polytheism (worldview) –physical book
SotS: Secret of the Scribe (worldview) –physical book
AYHIW: A Young Historian’s Introduction to Worldview (worldview) –physical book
WH!: Westward Ho! (literature) –ebook
*FWFL: Fierce Wars and Faithful Loves (poetry)
SS: Shakespeare Sonnets –online
JG: Jensen’s Grammar (grammar) –physical book
TLAW: The Lively Art of Writing (composition) –physical book
RH: Rural Hours (nature study/science) –ebook
F&WM: Fearfully & Wonderfully Made (health/science) –physical book
HtRaFF: How to Read a French Fry (science/cooking/home ec) –physical book
CE: Current Events (citizenship) –online
WB: Weekly Barden (citizenship/current events/writing)
HOEL: History of English Literature (literature/history) –physical book
ROtOS: Roar On the Other Side (poetry) –physical book
LoF: Life of Fred Beginning Algebra (math) –physical book
HtRaB: How to Read a Book (logic) –physical book
* **AoA: Art of Argument (logic) –physical book
YSGtC: Young Scholar’s Guide to Composers (music) –pdf
TCC: The Case for Christ (devotion) –physical book
TNW: The New World (history) –physical book
*AMFAS: A Man For All Seasons (history/biography) –movie/movie guide
*LSFB: Life of Sir Francis Bacon (history/biography/citizenship) –online
GD: Galileo’s Daughter (biography/history) –physical book
TLCC: The Life of Christopher Columbus From His Own Letters and Journals (geography/history) –ebook
WHJ?: Whatever Happened to Justice? (govt) –physical book
CTAP: Christian Theology and Ancient Polytheism (worldview) –physical book
SotS: Secret of the Scribe (worldview) –physical book
AYHIW: A Young Historian’s Introduction to Worldview (worldview) –physical book
WH!: Westward Ho! (literature) –ebook
*FWFL: Fierce Wars and Faithful Loves (poetry)
SS: Shakespeare Sonnets –online
JG: Jensen’s Grammar (grammar) –physical book
TLAW: The Lively Art of Writing (composition) –physical book
RH: Rural Hours (nature study/science) –ebook
F&WM: Fearfully & Wonderfully Made (health/science) –physical book
HtRaFF: How to Read a French Fry (science/cooking/home ec) –physical book
CE: Current Events (citizenship) –online
WB: Weekly Barden (citizenship/current events/writing)
HOEL: History of English Literature (literature/history) –physical book
ROtOS: Roar On the Other Side (poetry) –physical book
LoF: Life of Fred Beginning Algebra (math) –physical book
HtRaB: How to Read a Book (logic) –physical book
* **AoA: Art of Argument (logic) –physical book
YSGtC: Young Scholar’s Guide to Composers (music) –pdf
Term 1Bible: Reading, verses, TCC
History/Biography: TNW, AMFAS, LSFB, GD, Speeches/Documents
Geography: TLCC, Seterra
Govt/Econ: WHJ?
Citizenship: Ourselves, Utopia, Francis Bacon Essays, CE, WB
Worldview: CTAP, AYHIW, SotS
Literature: HOEL, Everyman, WH!
Essays: Francis Bacon
Poetry: SS, FWFL, RotOS
Grammar/Composition: JG, TLAW, written narrations
Math: LoF
Science: Chemistry
Nature Study: journaling, RH
Logic: HtRaB, AoA
Art: Degas, Manet, independent projects
Music: YSGtC, practice (piano?)
Health/PE: F&WM, Nutrition 101, other books (?), outdoor activities, homeschool events
Home Ec: cooking, HtRaFF
Foreign Language: Latin, German
Free reads: WH!, RH, HtRaFF (all three year-long; at-your-own-pace but must be done by year’s end), any from AO’s list
History/Biography: TNW, AMFAS, LSFB, GD, Speeches/Documents
Geography: TLCC, Seterra
Govt/Econ: WHJ?
Citizenship: Ourselves, Utopia, Francis Bacon Essays, CE, WB
Worldview: CTAP, AYHIW, SotS
Literature: HOEL, Everyman, WH!
Essays: Francis Bacon
Poetry: SS, FWFL, RotOS
Grammar/Composition: JG, TLAW, written narrations
Math: LoF
Science: Chemistry
Nature Study: journaling, RH
Logic: HtRaB, AoA
Art: Degas, Manet, independent projects
Music: YSGtC, practice (piano?)
Health/PE: F&WM, Nutrition 101, other books (?), outdoor activities, homeschool events
Home Ec: cooking, HtRaFF
Foreign Language: Latin, German
Free reads: WH!, RH, HtRaFF (all three year-long; at-your-own-pace but must be done by year’s end), any from AO’s list
Book abbreviations not mentioned above (used **T2 & ***T3 when specified):
AHPP: A History of Plymouth Plantation
** ***OC&RP: Oliver Cromwell & the Rule of the Puritans in England
TLoJD: The Life of Dr. (John) Donne –physical book
TDoSP: The Diary of Samuel Pepys –online
** ***KT: Kon Tiki –physical book
GA: Great Astronomers –ebook
AHPP: A History of Plymouth Plantation
** ***OC&RP: Oliver Cromwell & the Rule of the Puritans in England
TLoJD: The Life of Dr. (John) Donne –physical book
TDoSP: The Diary of Samuel Pepys –online
** ***KT: Kon Tiki –physical book
GA: Great Astronomers –ebook
Term 2Bible: Reading, verses, TCC
History/Biography: TNW, AHPP, Johannes Kepler in GA, OC&RP, TLoJD, GD, Speeches/Documents
Geography: TLCC, KT, Seterra
Govt/Econ: WHJ?
Citizenship: Ourselves, Utopia, Francis Bacon essays, CE, WB
Worldview: CTAP, AYHIW, SotS,
Literature: HOEL, WH!, TDoSP (excerpt)
Essays: Francis Bacon
Poetry: SS, John Donne & George Herbert, RotOS
Grammar/Composition: JG, TLAW, written narrations
Math: LoF
Science: Chemistry
Nature Study: journaling, RH
Logic: HtRaB, AoA (? may be finished Term 1)
Art: Hudson River School Artists, independent projects
Music: YSGtC, practice (piano?)
Health/PE: F&WM, Nutrition 101, other books (?), outdoor activities, homeschool events
Home Ec: cooking, HtRaFF
Foreign Language: Latin, German
Free reads: WH!, RH, HtRaFF (all three year-long; at your own pace but must be done by year’s end), any from AO’s list
History/Biography: TNW, AHPP, Johannes Kepler in GA, OC&RP, TLoJD, GD, Speeches/Documents
Geography: TLCC, KT, Seterra
Govt/Econ: WHJ?
Citizenship: Ourselves, Utopia, Francis Bacon essays, CE, WB
Worldview: CTAP, AYHIW, SotS,
Literature: HOEL, WH!, TDoSP (excerpt)
Essays: Francis Bacon
Poetry: SS, John Donne & George Herbert, RotOS
Grammar/Composition: JG, TLAW, written narrations
Math: LoF
Science: Chemistry
Nature Study: journaling, RH
Logic: HtRaB, AoA (? may be finished Term 1)
Art: Hudson River School Artists, independent projects
Music: YSGtC, practice (piano?)
Health/PE: F&WM, Nutrition 101, other books (?), outdoor activities, homeschool events
Home Ec: cooking, HtRaFF
Foreign Language: Latin, German
Free reads: WH!, RH, HtRaFF (all three year-long; at your own pace but must be done by year’s end), any from AO’s list
Book abbreviations not mentioned above (used only in T3):
TW: The Holy War –ebook
WH&D: William Harvey and the Discovery of the Circulation of the Blood –ebook
TW: The Holy War –ebook
WH&D: William Harvey and the Discovery of the Circulation of the Blood –ebook
Term 3Bible: Reading, verses, TCC
History/Biography: TNW, OC&RP, GD, Speeches/Documents
Geography: TLCC, KT, Seterra
Govt/Econ: WHJ?
Citizenship: Ourselves, Utopia, Francis Bacon essays, CE, WB
Worldview: CTAP, AYHIW, SotS
Literature: HOEL, THW
Essays: Francis Bacon
Poetry: SS, John Milton, RotOS
Grammar/Composition: JG, TLAW, written narrations
Math: LoF
Science: Chemistry
Nature Study: journaling, RH
Logic: HtRaB
Art: Hudson River School Artists, independent projects
Music: YSGtC, practice (piano?)
Health/PE: F&WM, Nutrition 101, other books (?), outdoor activities, homeschool events
Home Ec: cooking, HtRaFF
Foreign Language: Latin, German
Free reads: WH!, RH, HtRaFF (all three year-long; at your own pace but must be done by year’s end), any from AO’s list
History/Biography: TNW, OC&RP, GD, Speeches/Documents
Geography: TLCC, KT, Seterra
Govt/Econ: WHJ?
Citizenship: Ourselves, Utopia, Francis Bacon essays, CE, WB
Worldview: CTAP, AYHIW, SotS
Literature: HOEL, THW
Essays: Francis Bacon
Poetry: SS, John Milton, RotOS
Grammar/Composition: JG, TLAW, written narrations
Math: LoF
Science: Chemistry
Nature Study: journaling, RH
Logic: HtRaB
Art: Hudson River School Artists, independent projects
Music: YSGtC, practice (piano?)
Health/PE: F&WM, Nutrition 101, other books (?), outdoor activities, homeschool events
Home Ec: cooking, HtRaFF
Foreign Language: Latin, German
Free reads: WH!, RH, HtRaFF (all three year-long; at your own pace but must be done by year’s end), any from AO’s list
We tried ambleside online for a year or two when I had younger students that I read to. I love their book suggestions and often check the site when I'm looking for something.
ReplyDeleteThey do have a lot of good suggestions for books :)
DeleteI've loved it pretty much since I first stumbled onto it. I didn't always use it- and still don't use it as it is- but I use it first.