Verse of the Day {KJV}

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” -Romans 8:28 Listen to chapter

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sewed a Skirt Using 2 Pair of Pants- sorry not a tutorial

I spent some time on Pinterest this morning (before I had planned to take a walk- bad idea) and found quite a few tutorials on how to make a skirt from pants. I have a few pair of pants that are too small, worn out or I simply do not like. But I’ve not gotten rid of them. I’ve been accused of being a pack-rat before.
Btw, that walk…it never happened.
I found two pair of pants- one that I wear when I don’t wish to put on ‘real pants’ that are extremely baggy because they’ve lost their elasticity. I think they have stretch in them. I have another pair of them, same size, different color and they kept their shape (wore those out- still have those, too, lol). I really like the material though of these pants so I’ve never gotten rid of them but rarely wear them. They make me look fat lol.
The other pair were a pair of velour (?) poop brown (lol!) that shrunk after washing –of course. They also have stretch in them and although thicker than the first pair I mentioned above, just a bit. I figured the cream color of the first and the brown (poop or otherwise) of the second would be complimentary.
And just so I’m clear –I don’t sew (well). I love the idea, but I’m not one to follow instructions well. Unfortunately. After just cutting, pinning, sewing and more of the same, here is what I made.
It’s got issues but it’s now my lounge skirt instead of pants Smile I’m happy with it.
Now I’ve got 3 more pair of pants I want to cut up Smile One is a dark blue heavy cotton that I want to pair with a light blue lightweight denim. I think the contrast, like the one above, will be nice. Oh, and here’s where I found my inspiration for this: (or here if you don’t Pinterest) (or here if you don’t Pinterest) (or here)
There’s lots of other sites with tutorials of course. Just google it.
And that is what I did today. I feel accomplished. Really Smile I read on one of those posts (or a post somewhere) above that it was a quick 30 minutes –it took me hours.


  1. Neat! I think I would have liked the gussets in the front, but they are still really neat!

  2. Btw - what is up with this "I don't sew stuff'?

  3. I thought about that but as you can see decided to go with the other ;) But one thing about this skirt, I can wear it anyway I want. I tried it on backward, looks fine. Tried it on sideways (?), looks fine! The pants were straight leg and pretty shapeless; I think that helped.

  4. LOL I wouldn't consider myself a sewer, that's for sure. I would love to sew a lot but I can't follow directions, can't stick the pattern, and settle with it's good enough way too often!

  5. That looks like so much fun! :) I think I'm going to try it with a couple items I have lying around! :)

  6. It was fun! I didn't even know how much it was going to be fun! Made another one this morning :)

  7. Thanks :) Now I'm trying to get Colleen to give me some of her pants to cut up :D


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