Verse of the Day {KJV}

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Late start...

Yesterday was our 'official' first day of school...well, not really! I had it all planned: start and end date; breaks; vacations; holidays; exam weeks; etc. Then we took our scheduled (yes, I planned that out too!) trip to Oregon.

So we didn't start yesterday but instead will start tomorrow. Our Oregon trip lasted two more days than planned because silly silly me, I didn't factor in the 4th of July! It was all about numbers, days, places, people. I totally forgot about the 4th. We got home late on Monday night and I slept until close to noon today. Ahem, I woke up at 3:30am on Monday though...I was a bit tired lol.

all the red blobs are places we stayed on our trip
doesn't seem so far when I look at it like that!
...18 hour drive home...

Our official start date is still July 5th but we were doing 'other' kinds of counting cars, keeping data on license plates, reading signs, budgeting money...and, you know, the sort of learning that takes place anyway, no matter where you are. And a lot of sleeping for the kids...a LOT of sleeping... :)

And because I slept so late (although I am pretty sure the sleep was needed and necessary) here it is 2:30 am and I cannot sleep! I don't have any planning to do for the week, or even for tomorrow. It's all been done in advance. Fox actually asked if you could just do some school because he was bored tonight. I wasn't ready though, nu uh... We will do it tomorrow. Instead we played a game of modified Scrabble. We ditched the rules though and didn't bother keeping score. Next time we ditch the rules, I am going to say we can start a word ANY where on the board...ooooh yea... that'll be great!

Tomorrow the kids have to have their 4H entries in for what they are entering in the fair (which we won't even be here for) and some how they have to get all their stuff done in two weeks. We are going to be gone the week of the fair so the kids have to have their static exhibits ready the week before to be judged. That means 4 more cakes to bake and decorate, photos to take and develop, a robotics poster to put together and their project notebooks to fill out. I would say 'they' but well, yea, it's going to be 'us'. At least next year (if they still want to participate) we will know what to expect and we will have an entire year to get it all ready; instead of 2 months with little information!

I noticed that my last post-post was almost a month, oh wow, where did the time go? What did I do in all that time?? I know one was planning the start of the school year! And the Oregon trip planning. I have been trying to finish the book The Case for America's Christian Heritage and I am enjoying it but it seems I have so much more to get done. I am taking two classes this summer (history classes on medieval Ireland and the Celts) and I have a preview to get finished for TOS crew. I've been busy :) Oh, I am also reviewing the book a Girl's Guide to Life by Katie Meier for BookSneeze. It's good, too.

Ah, and I got a new phone :) That was an awesome random thing that happened. I was expecting a new phone in another year with the New Every Two deal that Verizon has. Well, I got a text saying that I was eligible for an upgrade. They offered the LG Cosmos for $19.99 (after $50 mail in rebate) and had a toll free number to call to complete the upgrade. Well, my phone was bugging me to no end on the trip *telling me I had new texts when there wasn't any; saying my message memory was 99% full when there were no texts at all; service then no service; battery dying like crazy* so I just deleted everything in my inbox and totally forgot about the nifty offer. I decided to go online to check out what the LG Cosmos even was and why I might want it for $20. Good thing for me I did! Online it was a free upgrade! Instant rebate and free shipping. Plan stayed the same, no extra charges. I did have to renew my contract for another two years...but I'm alright with Verizon. So, yea, I think my phone is spiffy and am happy with it.

At some point, I hope to get some pictures of our trip and other things to put on here. Until then...I think I am going to attempt going to bed!


  1. I hope your school week is fantastic.

  2. Ah glad to see you posting again and glad to know you are home safe and sound...


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