Bible: Matthew 14. Jesus feeds the multitude. In Matthew's account of the feeding he doesn't mention that a boy had the 5 loaves and 2 fishes; Fox was quick to point out the omission. I reminded him that each of the Gospels was written by a different person and therefore the perspective would be slightly different. They have heard this account so often that they had no trouble at all and it went quickly. They were proud of us for getting through a complete chapter in Matthew this time :)
Church History: Athanasius. Picking up from last time when we learned about Arius' beliefs were different than the bishops, we find that the debate has spread not just in Alexandria but throughout the empire. Constantine, who was a converted Christian (the book points out that he 'wasn't a very good one') after winning a battle, decides that the debate has gone too far and sets up a council to settle the matter. In the book, Saints & Heroes, it doesn't go into detail about the debate (as in which side was right or wrong) but continues with what took place. At the meeting in Nicaea (spelling) many of the bishops agree to sign the Nicene Creed which states that Jesus and God are the same, and not two different gods, as Arius had seemed to believe. Athanasius is a signer of the Creed. Arius and those who refused to sign the Creed are kicked out of the church. Constantine continues to back the Creed but after awhile some of those that were close to him started to have doubts and think that perhaps Arius was right after all. Constantine is persuaded to change his mind and allows Arius to come back to the church. Athanasius is then persecuted and banished from Alexandria- twice. However, it is mentioned that when Athanasius came back there were celebrations that were not to be matched for any celebration in later years. In one instance when Athanasius is being pursued by armies on the Nile River. Athanasius tells the rowers to turn back, causing the two boats to pass. A person in the pursuing boat calls out, "Have you seen Athanasius?" to which Athanasius replies, "Yes, he isn't far!" He escaped again! The kids and I got a laugh out of that. So until Arius and Constantine died, Athanasius was in exile yet he still preached. Constantine was succeeded by a believer of the Nacine Creed, and then Athenasius was safe. He lived for 77 years.
Art: Line Upon Line by Janice Arduini. We finished the supplies discussion and did the first warm-up exercise. This exercise was to show the difference it makes by how a pencil is held and the difference of soft and hard pencils. They were to write their name many times in different ways. I didn't want them to just copy the examples in the book but I read the different suggestions that she put forth: hold your pencil back farther; move the pencil so that your fingers, hand and arm are one unit; use different size letters. After awhile of writing their names with just one type of pencil in different ways I gave them the different pencils and they could see and feel the softness of the graphite. We have pencils from 9xxB to 4H so there was a wide range! I like the way it looked when they turned the pencil so that the lead was parallel to the paper- it created a wider line that was darker on one side and more subtle on the opposite. After some 'warm-up' then I let them see the examples in the workbook. They didn't want to stop so we added 10 minutes to our 30 minutes scheduled and even then they went over some. They liked it and so did I :)
We are also doing Sketch Tuesday, hosted by Harmony Art Mom. They started on their drawings for that and can finish them at a later time.

Shakespeare: Julius Caesar: We finished the little biography about Shakespeare that I got from here and only did a wee bit of rehearsing because attitudes were sour. I did find a book at the used book sale yesterday that has summaries of characters and and the play itself, of Shakespeare's tragedies. I am going to be reading out of that as we go along.

Now they are working on LoF Math and LIFEPAC Science. Lee also did Fallacy Detective (appeal to the people) and is doing a poem by Emily Dickinson for copywork (I'm nobody! Who are you?) Still to come: Fox- Language Arts, Foreign Language, Daily News, Copywork, and The Greatest Story Ever Told. Lee- Foreign Language and Daily News.
Today seems that it has gone surprisingly well. Maybe this is our lightest day after all! I will update later.
Updated: It's not even 2pm yet and we are DONE! Woohoo! The kids both did 2 chapters of LoF. Fox did a self test in Science and Lee did 3 pages. Both did review for foreign language. Fox listened as I read TGSET; the angel visits Mary.
ReplyDeleteAwesome day indeed.
ReplyDeletehey mom, how can you get the link for sketch tuesday? i want to put it on my blog.