Verse of the Day {KJV}

Saturday, April 3, 2010

It's Saturday...trying to get everything done..and no Weekly Barden

Wow, today is a bad one in terms of getting much done outside. The wind is vicious today! Dd and I were at the local coffee shop this afternoon. As soon as we got out of the car it was a struggle to get to the door! I only parked about 10 feet away (maybe 12) but the wind was so strong that it felt like it was going to pick us up and carry us off. There is a table outside of the coffee shop with a really nice glass top that during the summer has an umbrella atop. The wind was so strong it started to pick up the glass table! I was truly concerned! Fortunately it hadn't blown away or toppled over while we were there. It is just crazy out there.

Some good 'outdoor' news that really isn't even outdoor- yet. My mini greenhouses are showing green! Some broccoli is starting to sprout in three of my cups. You can't see it as well as I would like in the picture below because it is from my phone. I really need to get a new camera ...

Being Saturday (wow, where'd my week go!?) I am trying to get all my online stuff done, and before dinner. It is actually not as difficult as I had thought to be offline on Sundays. The only thing is sometimes near the end of the day I have to get online and log in to my class for school- it's required. But other than that, I am not finding it a problem at all. Occasionally I have taken a picture or made a post from my phone but I think that is alright. *Of course I would, right? LOL*

I feel like there is something I was supposed to do online and I am trying to get it all done but I can't remember what it was. Must not be that important. The kids also have to be offline. They amazingly (I'm not as surprised as they are *smile*) find things to do. For some reason they didn't get the Weekly Barden done this week. They had opportunity and even were 'working on it' but the issue that was almost done will have to go for next week.

Well, I guess I better figure out what I need to do so that I won't 'need' to do it tomorrow. See you Monday!


  1. That's nice, I'm very happy for you.
    I have good news, I'VE FOUND THE CULPRIT.
    in the HTML press control F, holding down the control key, and you'll get a window at the bottom banner that says find and a bar to type, type twitter, and you'll see another url like the one which had the RSS posts.
    I saw the other twitter and removed it, and it went to the corner of the post, like you have it now. There are two twitter things to remove, you still have one. Let me know or I'll see if that works.

  2. Perfect, Silvia. Thank you! I will check the HTML again.

  3. Ah ha! Thank you, Silvia! I finally found the Twitter and the RSS that was still hidden. Thank you for taking the time to check that for me.
    It's fixed for now :) Until I decide to fiddle some more :)


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