Verse of the Day {KJV}

Monday, April 5, 2010

Got our LoF books and Memoria Press supplies

It's like it's someone's birthday! We don't usually get packages (oh, dear hubby gets lots of packages- he's building a Shelby Cobra) so today when the three packages came with my name on them, oh happy day! The kids were like "Can I open one!?" We each were able to get a package to open. Fox picked the biggest (no surprise lol), Lee got the next biggest, and I got the little 'envelope' package. At least I got to open even one of the packages with my name on them!

Anyway, it's always great to get packages :) *Note to self- reply to Skippy's Easter card!- I'm not that great at sending physical mail anymore!*

The LoF books are great looking! They are not exactly what I expected, to be honest. They are hardback and I thought, for some reason that had no basis, they would be paperback. Otherwise, they are the same as what is presented on the website. There was even a typo that was corrected by hand, with whiteout and pen in one of the books. Talk about attention to detail :) They are very sturdy. Fox is right now looking through Beginning Algebra (looking at pi, not p-i-e) and laughing. I am hopeful that they will be more enthusiastic about math with these books. Go here to see more about LoF books. On the back of Decimals and Percents it says
"One afternoon with our five-year-old hero and you will learn: Everything you need to begin algebra. Why they no longer play football at KITTENS University. Why you should never eat alone at the 5100th Avenue Steak House. All fun!"
I really hope it will be! And I want them to learn some math along the way ;)

Next, is Memoria Press First Form Latin. My first thought is that they are 'pretty'. What a thought, eh? Well, my first impression is based on what I see... I opted for getting the instructional DVDs along with the pronunciation CD because I have no Latin background. Practically no foreign language background at all- except some Spanish.
My box contained Pronunciation CD, Instructional DVDs, Quizzes and Tests book, Workbook, Student Text, Teacher Manual, Teacher Manual- Workbook & Test Key, and Flashcards.
Overwhelming when I open any of the books actually. I will have to familiarize myself some before I just 'dive in'. But that's always a good idea, eh? :) I want to start looking at it all right away...just as soon as I'm done with this post I think :)

The kids don't have school today because it's District Wide Closure for the public schools. My dc think that they are included in that 'district' so... I said okay :) We are ahead of schedule in terms of days for the school year so they can have their one day... Aren't I so nice ;)

The last package- my little 'envelope'- was a book from . It is for next school year for the kids but I am always on the lookout for books! I have mentioned PBS before but really, if you haven't checked it out, you should! It's a bit funny that some of the books I have personally listed on there I have never seen listed on there before. Maybe I am a little odd but posting my no-longer-of-use-to-me-but-maybe-useful-to-others school books doesn't seem strange to me. Granted the last textbook I put on there cost me $126 but cost the lady who requested it nothing... I am just glad to help. Hopefully I will come across a great find like that some day. It's great to help. I only have a twinge of regret for not doing the book buyback at my college bookstore. Just a small, little twinge. Eh, if I have the means, then why not share...

Okay, now I am off to delve into some Latin :) Sounds fun, huh? Oh if that's not enough, then I'm going to do...dishes! I know, you're wishing you were me right now... ;) LOL


  1. So nice, I'm excited about you. When I signed up for paperbackswap I also posted two books that cost me more than the regular shipping and that were in mint condition, one Curious George and one Calvin Hobbes comic one, and I haven't found a good deal, but we'll keep trying.
    Ah, I thought I found a great finding, a common book in English but the Spanish version I wanted to give as a present to a good friend, and they told me the alleged seller couldn't be found.
    I'm glad for your algebra and latin books. Keep posting.

  2. Blossom, I've added your resources page to my links on the right, under curriculum, linking back to you.
    It's a GREAT page, and I think you explained it very well, I had sort of known those distinctions but never quite had them so clearly stated. I did not know LDS, but it's come to me, Latter Day Saints, right?
    Thanks for your time compiling all those resources.

  3. You'll be especially thankful for that Latin DVD, Blossom! I've come to understand that it's quite the essential, especially when Mom doesn't have a Latin background herself. Have fun. :)

  4. Silvia, thank you for linking my page :) And yes, LDS is Latter Day Saints. I do not know much about it but I have a couple friends who are LDS.
    Trish, that DVD is immensely helpful! Even though the teachers manual is put together well, it does not explain things quite as well as Mr. Moore on the DVD. I started watching it to see what to expect and yes, it will be an integral part of our Latin studies! We will all be learning Latin :)


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