Verse of the Day {KJV}

Monday, November 2, 2015

Educational Philosophies are Important

In the college courses I have taken the last two years, there were many a reference to educational philosophies. Before these courses I had only a few exposures to such topics. I majored in history/anthropology/sociology, not education, for my undergraduate degree. In one of my graduate courses this year an instructor lamented the over emphasis on pedagogy -which is another topic brought up often. But the importance truly lies in the philosophy of the educators, which directly influences the 'how' of their teaching. And today with the extreme responsibility placed on teachers to affect student scores, the how is indeed important to think about and discuss. This leads back to educational philosophies.

When I mentioned 'teachers' in the above paragraph, I am not only thinking of public schools. Homeschooling parents are teachers, too. That's why we get teacher discounts from various places. We have to fight for the title at times but homeschooling parents are teachers.

I've started a philosophy series at The Homeschool Post which will cover different philosophies, and how they effect homeschooling methods. There is just the initial post right now but another is waiting in draft, and two more in the works.


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