Verse of the Day {KJV}

Friday, July 10, 2015

The Week in Review {Y10 second time around}

Fox's school schedule- every subject marked as done and each day complete
I wonder when it was that we felt we needed to plot and plan our schedules. It's become second nature- at least for the school areas. The plan is in place, thanks to Ambleside Online. We've also figured out our folksongs for the year {keep forgetting to ask Lee for suggestions}.

The week's distribution. 
Physics, I think, will prove to be the most difficult even though it is not calculus based. It assumes I believe that the student has had both Algebra 1 and 2! Fox has gone through Algebra 1. We will continue, and seek help when we need it. In the other post of the year's plan, I linked to a physics classroom site that we'll use, as well as Khan Academy and some others I found on Pinterest. I may even get some Cliff Notes from the library for myself. I should know these math bits but it's been awhile.

I wonder which books will be his favorites from this year. It's a great year {Y10} to go through, albeit no doubt trying and stressful for those who lived during the times we are studying {1815-1902}.

Perhaps someday I should have him tell me what books were his favorites from previous years, and why. 

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