Verse of the Day {KJV}

Monday, July 6, 2015

Folksongs 2015-2016 School Year {so far}

Last year we tried to include more folksongs into our school {and therefore our life!}. We all really enjoyed and appreciated these. It's easy to feel regret for not getting these in earlier but I've resolved to use it to fuel us to try to include the things we missed more in our days. Life is too short for regret.

At church July 5th we sang the first lines from the US military's songs; Army, Marines, Navy and Air Force. My husband was the only one who knew them all. I barely recognized the Marines as Fox was in Young Marines for 3 years. Lee and Fox knew the Marines and could recognize, barely, at least one or two others. That spurred us to want to learn these military songs. They are first on our list this year.

Here are folksongs for our 2015-2016 school year:

Army- The Caissons Go Rolling Along
Marines- The Maine's Hymn
Navy- Anchors Aweigh
Air Force- The Wild Blue Yonder
Home on the Range
If I Had a Hammer...
Along the Road to Gundagai
My Grandfather's Clock
When the Iceworm Nests Again
Down by the Salley Gardens
I've Been Working on the Railroad

We are going with many choices from the AO Folksong rotation, with the few others. I wanted to add The Outlandish Knight from "2005/6" year but can't find one I want to buy/download. I could listen from my phone...

Last year I separated them out over terms. I'm skipping that this time. The singles have been purchased or downloaded to my Amazon music app. I can only find one MP3 at the moment with words for the military songs. It's Military Medley by Gene Autry, and the lyrics are different than the most recent lyrics for the songs. It is a combination of all four military songs.

I think I will ask Lee what ones she is particularly wanting to hear this year and add those when she lets me know. 

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