Verse of the Day {KJV}

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Reading List on the Net {06.27.15}

Supreme Court is a Political Branch- Has the SCOTUS become a political rather than judicial branch, or has it been that way for a long time? Or is that just that some people didn't get their way with recent judgments and are labeling it as such? Perhaps when I get a little more time, I'd like to look into the SCOTUS's history more closely. This argument has probably been made before, albeit with different terms. (And for the record, the recent ruling doesn't change my views on marriage or people in general.)

Pair foods for nutrition- When I was growing up my mom read a lot of nutrition research. One specifically I recall was Adelle Davis. Although I never read any of her works myself (although I recently found a free copy of Let's Have Healthy Children and picked it up for sentimental reasons) I vaguely recall 'pairing' to be of importance. Our bodies are fascinating and wonderfully made. They are intricate and oh so complex. There are quite a few people I have talked to that say it doesn't matter if a person eats food/nutrient A with food/nutrient B because our bodies automatically 'know' that those go together and will search them out, if you will. With my own reading of the book Trim Healthy Mama I can see the sense in findings of research conducted and reported on, such as what's linked here. If pairing makes it easier for the body to get the nutrients it needs, why not.

Charlotte Mason College alumni returned to the campus- This was last year, I believe. Ladies who had graduated from the college returned for a two-day visit. The initial article doesn't really tell much about what went on, why they were they, who they were, but the link near the bottom sends us to some 'memories'. It was nice to read some of their memories.
Charlotte Mason College influenced my life as it is here where I grew up, I became independent. Having no men at college was relaxing, no need to dress up or show off! Just drink in that heavenly place, no matter how many times I re-visit I can’t get the nostalgia, tugging of the heart strings out of my system. ~Edna Ball, class of '65
Testing! Testing!- Actually assessments is a better term. I think the two terms, assessment and evaluation or testing, have become viewed as interchangeable although they are different. At the recent CMI conference, Lisa Cadora chatted with a group about assessments. One thing she said, among many, that stuck with me is that you cannot constantly be pulling a plant up by its roots to evaluate its progress. It won't grow that way. Rather we assess as we go by what we observe, hear, and read the student produce. This way we can better tailor the books and activities that we present to the student so that they may lead a fuller life, not just get the right answer on the test.
"The terminal examinations are of great importance. They are not merely and chiefly tests of knowledge but records which are likely to be permanent. There are things which every child must know, every child, for the days have gone by when 'the education befitting a gentleman' was our aim." v6, p291

How Teens Can Become Millionaires- By the time they retire, that is. I came across this awhile ago but it popped back up recently, being shared by someone else. We've tried to get our kids into a saving for the future mentality while not making them feel like they can't have any of the money they earned. This post is very brief but the visual is what caught my attention. My daughter went through the WealthQuest for Teens program (and loved it) but she's not done any investing. I'm curious what type of investing options are available for both of them.

Do you believe in ghosts?- I have no idea how this came up on my radar. I thought it an interesting read.
No evidence has produced a single fact that should sway a Christian into believing that the spirits of deceased people can loiter on earth. In light of the Bible, the only conclusion is that ghost sightings are either the figments of overactive imaginations, or else they are demons.

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