Verse of the Day {KJV}

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Reading List on the Net {06.02.15}

Wow so this post was started a couple months ago apparently. Was going to start a new post when I saw this one in drafts.

Defining Charlotte Mason- exactly what the title says. By the AO Advisory at their blog.

A Respecter of Persons by Evelyn Hoey- At the Charlotte Mason Institute's blog.

Why Children Need Chores- It's for their own good.

How to Start Running More- Uh, where's the how to start running, period?

Fantasy Films and the Obliteration of Imagination- from the Imaginative Conservative.

Radical Daughter- it's about not being neutral.

Summer Craft Ideas- since I may (hopefully) be leading arts/handicrafts at a co-op in the fall, thought I better get some ideas. Another is Bobby Jo's site with hand crafting posts.

Taboo Behaviors Now More Acceptable in the US- somewhat surprising what is becoming less taboo but others that are remaining so.

Reading Readiness- We are all different. There isn't a standard reading age.

Chocolate Chip Cookies- made with coconut flour. Oh yes, and sugar free.


  1. Lol, I also have months old drafts. :p Life of a homeschool mom, I guess...

    1. :) Some I am glad are drafts and I never published, others I had completely forgotten about!


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