Verse of the Day {KJV}

Saturday, June 6, 2015

2015 Mid-Point

Crazy to think that this is almost halfway through the year already. I'm not counting chickens before they hatch or anything but really, in just a few weeks we will be at the halfway mark for the year.
It is insane how fast it's gone.

Feeling like not much has been accomplished this first half of the year, I was actually looking to include some things. To feel more productive, you know. Fortunately, I decided to check myself and see what I'd accomplished in the areas I'd intended to accomplish.

At the start of the year I set some goals I hope to meet, more in the spiritual aspect than the physical, perhaps. Just a recap the areas were: Bible reading and verse memorization, outreach, contentedness, and health. The 'outreach' area was rather vague and I'm still not exactly sure what I hoped for there.
I did a reevaluation of my goals in February, which possibly was too soon. Now we are six months into the year, I'll reevaluate.

Bible reading/verse memorization- This is somewhat at a stall. I still do both but not as consistently as I need to.

Outreach- Again, what am I getting at here? I probably haven't done any Russian or ASL since the last posted update. However, I take consolation that we {the whole family} were baptized and became members of our church. I am also, along with Fox, going through a class at church for being better prepared to reach others with the Gospel.

The little piece of paper I'd torn out of the city's newsletter did not have a result that I can see. I contacted the suggested individual about helping in some way with the women's house, but received no reply.

Charlotte Mason! Now this, this is something I am seeing some fruit from my reaching out. I have formed a group on Facebook called "Charlotte Mason Educators of Northeast Ohio" and have gone ahead and set a date and place for a book discussion. The first meeting will be June 24th at the Brecksville Public Library, from 12-2pm. It will move locations to suit the members of the group.

I am super excited about that right there. Can hardly contain myself as I type it.

I also attended the Spring Awakening in MN at the end of May and was blessed by that trip. I visited Joy of Embracing the Fullness of Life, and Melisa in WI. I need to do a post about the Awakening, I think.

Contentedness- It's hard to say if I am doing well here but I'll be honest and say I've noticed the kids are growing restless in this area. If I see it in them, that means it is definitely evident in me as well. Often a trait I am not too happy with in my kids is a reflection of myself.

With that reflection, I'm trying to see where/why I'm discontent so that I can root that out. One area that I am aware of not being content is having books. Yes...books. I seem to buy more and more. I tell myself no more for this month, and what do you know- there's a book in my cart!

To me this means that I also am not being a good steward of my money as I carelessly spend it at times. {On books, yes.} Must work on this area.

Health- I finally bought the physical copy of Trim Healthy Mama. What a difference! I am super busy with other things {like writing on my blog apparently} so have not had the time yet to re-read the book. I fully intend to do so. I need to reassess what we are eating and why.

Otherwise we have been getting outside more often for walks. The kids, especially Fox, have been riding their bikes more since he has to ride to work.

That is my update for the midpoint of 2015. Still a work in progress, with more effort needed in some areas for sure. 

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