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Monday, May 26, 2014

E is for Etsy {Blogging through the Alphabet}

Ben and Me

~a marketplace where people around the world connect to buy and sell unique goods.

I won't say I came up blank when the letter E presented itself. "Energy," "everything," and "excitement" were some words that came to mind but then "Etsy" won out over them all. 

My mom started me on Etsy back in 2007, when she opened her shop, LinderCroft. Her shop sells handmade hairsticks, crochet hooks and "more". I've personally had a few shops on Etsy, but only Mi Lossolleff is still open for business. Mi Lossolleff is a shop "co-owned" by me and my kids. Honestly though most of the items in the shop at the moment were created by me. 

What is it about Etsy that appeals to me? I like that it is about handmade items, not simply put together items. For example on Etsy you cannot put together a gift basket that is simply items you've purchased at the store or from someone else made and call it 'handmade' and offer it for sale. There are other places that allow for that; not Etsy*. 

Vintage items can be sold on Etsy and that's a big thing there. They've recently allowed digital downloads for sale in shops and soon I hope that we will have some to put in our shop. But not quite yet...

Another thing is that you don't have to have a month by month charge to use Etsy as a seller or buyer. I suppose, although I have not looked too much into it, that they might offer a monthly fee service. Each listing costs $.20 and can have 5 photos included. There is the option of having your bill paid automatically each month otherwise it is payable manually. Etsy does charge a 3.5% fee when items are sold and that goes on the "bill". If there are a lot of items in a shop I can imagine the cost can build up quickly. Our's has not gone more than just a few dollars.

*Have a look at what is and isn't allowed at Etsy. Check out the FAQs also.

Of course, when I look at some things on Etsy, I wonder how the seller figured their price. Here's a good way to figure out the method behind the madness {and really, doesn't it seem like madness sometimes?}. Not everyone uses this method {our shop is included in the "do not"s}. Here's another Etsy article about pricing

It does take a while to get a name out to interested people, and I will be honest and say that I don't think a casual hobbyist would do wonderful on Etsy. There are some that possibly do. Our little shop, Mi Lossolleff, may fit in that category but I do believe it helps the kids learn about entrepreneurship and other skills that will be beneficial. I know I'm having a good time with it {smile}. 

That is my "E" contribution for Blogging through the Alphabet. Have a look at other E entries at Ben and Me {or just search abcblogging}. 


  1. I have yet to take the plunge and buy anything off of Etsy yet but I love searching on there.

    1. Hi, Lisa. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. I have only purchased a select few things from Etsy, but I have been very happy with each purchase.


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