Verse of the Day {KJV}

Friday, September 20, 2013

Latest Issue of the WB- 9.20.2013

There is a page here on the blog with links to past issues of the WB (looks like it needs updated) but I'm not sure I've actually posted about what it is. 

Here's an excerpt from our newsletter to give you an idea:
The Weekly Barden is a family newsletter that started with an idea from [Fox] to share artwork and different stories with family. [Lee] is the mastermind behind the design of the newsletter; she put together the format for the majority of the newsletter that you read. [Mom- thats me-] is the editor: she has final say what makes it to “press” and what does not! [Dear Hubby] is the President. Enough said. J

We are a Christian family with conservative views. We like to do a lot of different things: Read, Write, Draw, Play, Design, Explore, Learn, & HAVE FUN.
If you have any comments, suggestions or questions you can send an email to
We would love to have additions to our newsletter from other family members (friends, too!). If you would like to contribute, write to the above email address with what you would like to contribute and we will reply ASAP.

Interested in reading the Weekly Barden when it comes out? You can subscribe to the newsletter via our email address, posted above. We'd be happy to include you!

Oh yes, and here are links to see the WB online, via Google Docs or Dropbox

One more thing- we are looking for submissions for our newsletter. From the first page, you can see what is included. If you see an area you'd like to contribute to, please send us an email with your submission. We would love to include your contributions. 

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