Verse of the Day {KJV}

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Week 3...Moving Right Along

Perhaps by the half-way point we will have it all together *wink*. 

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Since it's only Wednesday, there's still time to 'get it all done' but I'm not holding my breath. Monday through Thursday the kids have "HoboBOT Camp: Or There and BOT Again" at the local library where they are using Lego Mindstorms {that's an Amazon affiliate link}. They are LOVING it. I at first thought that it would be too childish for them- by that I mean, there'd be too many kids there who are childish. It tends to spoil the experience some when that happens. Well, it turns out there are only 4 kids altogether. My kids make up 1/2 the class! The class runs from 2pm-4pm so it's been cutting into the school portion of the day. They've been having to do school after school hours. But that's how it goes sometimes!

Tomorrow there is another "no school" day. We always say we take birthdays off, and generally we take the kids and my birthday off, but this may be the first year we have taken the day off for dear hubby's birthday. He is even taking the day off of work. We are going to do a lot of driving {possibly}, hang out for most of the morning, and although the kids may miss the last day of camp, we are planning on a good day. Later Thursday we have bbq planned with friends.

We might have school Saturday but I'm really undecided. We have mostly caught up to where we should be for week 3, but for a few stragglers. 

Otherwise, some things we've gotten done or are working on:

I'm trying to take part in a book discussion of Waverley by Sir Walter Scott. We are actually on Week 2 now, so I should be moving right along to reading chapters 6-10. I'll just level right now. I haven't even made it past the Introduction to the book. By that I mean I haven't even read the intro posted by the book discussion host OR the intro in the book- which I hear is quite wordy. I still fully intend to read and participate. I'm just behind.

We are trying to get back into verbal narrations since we pretty much stopped doing them at the end of the school year. It's difficult! For the kids as well as myself because first I have to make sure I am focused and ready for the narration. And second, they have to collect their thoughts. I think we stopped doing them about a month before school ended; around April. It's August now and apparently it's a bit like riding a bicycle, where you don't forget how but you're a bit wobbly at first.

Finally, this week we started on our science. Fox said it sounds 'boring'. That makes me sad and I hope to change his mind when we get into it more. We are doing Chemistry for the year. The part that may be 'boring' to him is keeping is a neat lab book. I have a specific and orderly fashion I want it to be kept in. He doesn't like "orderly fashion" too much. It will be good for him, I know it. Lee I think enjoys the methodical, systematic way they are to keep their lab books. She's all about 'orderly fashion' *wink*. 

Fox and I are working through Brimwood Press's Christian Theology and Ancient Polytheism with the book Secret of the Scribe for worldview {that's an affiliate link}. We both are liking it so far. I hope to have a review up of it later this month {sooner than later!}. I've heard many times that you don't need to look at the fake to know it's fake; simply study the 'real' one to the point you know it exceptionally well. This program compares the conflicting beliefs. I really appreciate that, without getting very involved into the other belief, the student will be better able to argue for the truth when confronted with a false belief. I'll share more in my review but will say here that I'm enjoying the discussions that stem from this study.

We are all doing Sign Langauge using Lifeprint at the moment. It's a great tool and it's a point. At first this was just Lee's 'thing', then I started in to help her along {it's difficult to learn a 'language', especially on your own and even more so with ASL!}. Then Fox said he wanted to learn as well. So we all do it now. Some of us are more into it than others {ahem}. Bill Vicars from Lifeprint is hilarious and makes it enjoyable.

I started re-reading my Bible. I am 'stuck' in Genesis now because I want to keep a notebook for my reading. It's not really that I'm stuck but I love to compare the Hebrew/Greek with current words in my Bible. It really sheds a lot of light on the passages. It takes a lot of time. It's amazing. I'm keeping a notebook so that on days when the 'light comes on' I can make note of it.

And so far that's our week. Now I have to go pick up the kids from their HobBOT Camp and then clean the house.

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