Verse of the Day {KJV}

Friday, August 30, 2013

The Week We Took Off

We were supposed to be doing week 6 this week but on Tuesday morning I just decided, "no school the rest of the week!" No one complained. We've had 33 days of school already {since July 8} so a few days off was acceptable.

Oh to be able to say I spent my time planning for the coming weeks of the school year. Or to say I cleaned my house top to bottom. Or even, I finished some books that are on my to-be-read pile. But no, I can't honestly say any of those! I slept in three days, fiddled with my still uncooperative computer every day, posted a review, chatting with friends online, and generally just relaxed. Ah, and yesterday I actually weeded the garden. Bruised my thumb in the process -yeah, that takes talent *wink*. I also planted some more broccoli. My tomato plants, as tiny as they are from being constantly nibbled on by animals, have flowers and small green tomatoes. There's hope my broccoli will produce as well!

 photo storefront_zpscc9cfa3e.png
I also listed some books on Amazon. See our store front by clicking here.

The kids did their usual chores, played nicely together, read a lot, used their screen time, walked to the library often, and generally just relaxed. Getting them to finish The Weekly Barden on a 'no school' week was a bit like pulling teeth, but they did it. I'm hoping they will be refreshed and ready to get back into school next week. 

The rest of the week was fairly nondescript. We went somewhere on Monday {fuel for the car and grocery shopping}, nowhere on Tuesday {that I can recall}, Wednesday Lee and I went to prayer meeting while Fox and dh went to Young Marines, Thursday we went searching for book stores {found Half-Price Books fairly close by}, and tonight I am going to Home Builders at church. This weekend the kids are going to participate in an obstacle course at the church while dh will be off driving a NASCAR car and then possibly hob-nobbing with professional pilots like Kirby Chambliss.

In October, we will no longer have internet at home so I'm not entirely sure how that will affect my posting on the blog. I know I will get more house cleaning done. *wink* Most likely I will print out a blog/internet surfing schedule for myself for when we visit the library. Get everything done at once. I am really hoping it doesn't affect us all too bad. Hubby and I were discussing finding a less expensive but more reliable service when the time comes, but we are still undecided. How bad would it really be to not have the internet to turn to when I don't want to do laundry or clean the kitchen? I won't have it to turn to so ... theoretically I'll do the laundry or clean the kitchen.

Wow, just thinking about no internet at home has me realizing how much I do use it for! There are resources online that the kids use for school, places we go when we don't know something and want to right then. Now I'm thinking of all the things I need to get downloaded or printed off before it's gone! Yikes!

I'm a planner. Love to have lists and plans. The follow through, eh, not so much. I planned the entire school year {to a point}, and the first 12 weeks more detailed. Now I don't even want to look at the plans lol. I guess I had better get over that, and quick! 


  1. I had no internet for over 3 months. It is doable IF you have a smartphone. That way, you can still check email and do other necessaries. I spent SO MUCH LESS TIME on the computer, it was actually pretty nice. I spent much less time on FB on my phone, too, because of worrying about data overage. I'm glad to have it back now (went with Dish Net) but going without sure does give you some perspective.

    1. Ah, no smartphone for us. We'll survive I'm sure but it will defintely be an adjustment.


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