Verse of the Day {KJV}

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Week 2...In Progress

Our first two weeks back to school has spanned four weeks. Our first week I blogged about already so now here's our progress in week two. But first- we get a little help from our friends when working on math ;)

We finally, albeit late, got the Weekly Barden, Summer Time Edition up and out.

I noticed that after all of my planning and feeling quite accomplished, what, back in June?, I've misplaced files and information. There are books or essays that I put on the kids' schedules that, um, I don't know where I put. It was about the same time I was trying to 'clean' my laptop {which did not work, btw; but no worries, I'm done playing around with it for now}. I am fairly sure that I just rearranged files. I just have to relocate them.

The kids and I worked on individual subject/day schedules for them so that they can be more efficient {that's the hope anyway} with their school work. Basically they both went off of the previous year's schedule. We don't have very much that is 'all together' this year. Last year it seemed our entire morning was 'all together'. They have chemistry, logic, music and Sign Language together {that means "all together"}. I'm not sure if next year they will have any thing together!

This week actually has six days for school work and three days of Bible instruction at the Great Lakes Youth Conference {it won't be all work and no play, I can assure you, but if you look at the link, they won't go to Cedar Point}. Here you can see a photo from last year's conference. You probably won't be able to pick them out but they are the fifth row from the front, in the middle set of seats. Lee is to the far right, second to the left of our pastor. Fox is three people to the left of Lee. Anyway... I seem to be getting distracted. 

They will get plenty of 'school' this second week. However, we are still actually trying to make sure all got covered from week one! 

I'm going to share the schedules that we made together for each of the kids. I'd like to share it in table form but I don't know how. Here's Lee's:

Monday: Bible (reading, verses, devotional), Math, History/Biography, Govt/Economics/Citizenship/Worldview, Composition (writing), Foreign Language
Tuesday: Bible (reading, verses, commentary), Math, Geography, Govt/Economics/Citizenship, Literature/Composition, Science, Art, Foreign Language
Wednesday: Bible (reading, verses), Math, Govt/Economics/Citizenship/Worldview, Literature/Essays/Composition, Science, Logic, Music, Foreign Language
Thursday: Bible (reading, verses), Math, History/Biography, Govt/Citizenship/Worldview, Literature/Poetry/Composition, Science, Foreign Language
Friday: Bible (reading, verses), Math, Geography, Citizenship, Composition, Nature Study, Logic, Foreign Language

Here's Fox's:

Monday: Bible (reading, verses, devotional), Math, History, Citizenship/Worldview, Literature/Poetry/Composition, Logic, Foreign Language
Tuesday: Bible (reading, verses, commentary), Math, History/Biography, Citizenship/Worldview, Literature/Composition, Nature Study/Science, Art, Foreign Language
Wednesday: Bible (reading, verses), Math, History, Citizenship/Worldview, Composition (writing), Science, Logic, Music, Foreign Language
Thursday: Bible (reading, verses), Math, History/Biography, Govt/Economics/Citizenship/Worldview, Literature/Grammar/Composition, Science, Art, Health, Foreign Language
Friday: Bible (reading, verses), Math, Geography/History/Biography, Citizenship/Worldview, Literature/Poetry/Composition, Nature Study, Foreign Language

My dh asked me last night if I was supervising the kids' education {lol, yeah that is how he said it}. I said of course! But now I know I can't trust Lee to back me up on that because when I said, "tell him," she said, "um, well, not really..." Ack! heehee... awkward. My dh just raised his eyebrows at us as he walked away. Fortunately, later I was redeemed {lol} because Lee and I were working together on her school stuff.

So that has been so far this second week. I'm not sure if I will get the rest of the week recorded here before our week three starts. Guess we will see.


  1. We are hoping to get started next week on Weds! Just turned in the grades and attendance records for 2012-13 for my youngest today! Still shopping for books and have one last visit to IN. I admire your tenacity at starting so early! You go! BTW, my husband asks questions like that quite frequently!


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