Verse of the Day {KJV}

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Week 1...uh, Complete?

Our first week of the 2013/2014 school was July 8-12. The following week we also had *ahem* learning opportunities that I'm counting for school, but officially it was a 'no school' week. This week, July 22-26, we have two days off of school. Next week, the last week in our first month back, there are another two days off. But that week also has learning opportunities...they'll be counted. I even got permission from the Principal for those {teehee}.

Unfortunately there are no photos to share of our second week when we went, first to the Dayton vicinity in Ohio to visit family. Oh yes, and to visit multiple museums. The second half of the week we went camping...and saw something amazing and disturbing at the same time.

For actual 'book learning' school here's how it went.

Lee 11th grade:
I'm going to start by saying she did quite well with planning her week. I'd planned out the general week's schedule but I'm leaving it up to her to manage her time and what subjects to do what day. Some she does every day such as Bible and Math.
She covered Bible reading (Exodus 34-38 & John 13-17), A History of the American People (pages 283-292), Character is Destiny (chapter 1), The Spirit of the Age (first bio), Art (read Degas bio), The Law (first 5 headings), Ad Alg (Life of Fred, lesson 77-80), Eothen (ch 1 & 2),  History of English Literature (ch 74), Thinking Straight in a Crooked World (pg 11-16; written narration), Up From Slavery (Intro, ch 1), Evaluating Books (pg 21-29), Uncle Tom's Cabin (ch 1-4), Walking the Bible, North With the Spring.
Ah, yes, and she also worked on a Life Skill: she got her permit to drive!

Fox 9th grade:
I'll be honest and mention that he needs some outside motivation to get his schedule put together and then carried out. Work in progress. Also needs to keep better records.
He covered Bible reading (up to day 169 of chronological reading schedule), Beg Alg (Life of Fred, lesson 10-11), The New World (into ch 2), History of English Literature (ch 32), Seterra, The Case for Christ (ch 1 & 2), The Life of Christopher Columbus (ch 1), Westward Ho! (ch 1), Galileo's Daughter (ch 1), Christian Theology & Ancient Polytheism (lesson 1).
Maybe because this week (two weeks into our first month) is his birthday, he may have been somewhat distracted.

Now for our adventures in Dayton:
We weren't in a huge hurry to leave on Monday morning so I made bacon and eggs as a 'treat' breakfast. I made one single sausage patty for Lee who can't stand bacon. We actually got going about 8:30, I believe, putting us into Dayton around 11 something. The first place we went was the Wright-Dunbar Interpretive Center. It is part of the Dayton Aviation Heritage NHP. None of us had heard of Paul Laurence Dunbar before this visit. Here is one of his poems that's featured on a bookmark free for visitors:

We Wear the Mask
We wear the mask that grins and lies,
It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes, --
This debt we pay to human guile;
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile,
And mouth with myriad subtleties.

Why should the world be over-wise,
In counting all our tears and sighs?
Nay, let them only see us, while
We wear the mask.

We smile, but, O great Christ, our cries
To thee from tortured souls arise.
We sing, but oh the clay is vile
Beneath our feet, and long the mile;
But let the world dream otherwise,
We wear the mask!

Next we visited the original bicycle shop owned by the Wright brothers, located next to the interpretive center. It is a fairly small shop space.

Our next stop was Carillon Park and we were completely unprepared for the size of this place! We intended to just go through the building in less than an hour and move on. There are 30 outside buildings on 65-acres. We did not get to all the buildings and had to rush through the main visitor's center. It's definitely a place to go back to.

After traipsing all over, lots of walking, we finally got to get dinner with family. sit a while.

The second day we went to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. We've been there before but even with the entire day the first time, we still missed quite a bit. It will be neat to go back again when the final hangar completed. And that concluded the first part of our 'unschooling' portion *wink*.

The second portion of the week was a surprise for the kids and I. We knew we were going camping but not where. It was quite a drive to get to Pymatuning State Park but well worth it. The campsite was pretty much right on the Pymatuning Lake and the section ot one side of us was all closed off. No camp neighbors! There apparently were bald eagles nesting in the section next to us and so no one was allowed in that portion. Thursday was fairly warm and thankfully there was a swimming area for us to cool off at. The kids actually swam in the water but I just went up to my knees. There were fish in the water. I got in the water. Good enough! But it was a very nice campground.

On Friday before we heading home we stopped at the Pymatuning Spillway- where we saw what I thought was amazing and disgusting at the same time. Where the ducks walk on the fish...that's how the describe it. Here's a link to give you a better idea:

Impressive, yes. Disturbing, maybe.

So that was our No School week that counts for school :) We learned a lot in that week. Ohio study, nature study, life skills, communication skills, etc. Lots of stuff.


  1. What a great no school week! Love it when the kids take responsibility for their progress. And what great adventures.

  2. I love your no school week. We homeschool year round so we tend to have more "no school" weeks than some people. I enjoyed reading about what you have your high schoolers doing. My daughter is going to be starting high school probably by Christmas of this year. Like your 9th grader, she needs help managing time and schedule. We are probably going to be using the new Time4Learning High school that was announced this past week. ( Of course we will supplement with foreign language, art, music, etc. Anyway, love reading what others are doing, I can always use inspiration!


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