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Monday, December 31, 2012

Combining Living Books Curriculums

This post won’t be complete as it’s just an idea of what’s in my head at the moment. It’s been there for a while now, actually. I reviewed Yesterday’s Classics back in May 2011 and Heritage History twice, once in October 2011 and again November 2012. Both of those are heavy on living books. In our homeschool we use Ambleside Online which is also heavy on living books.
I am very happy with AO’s curriculum –it’s got great variety and is organized wonderfully. But I also love the books included in both YC and HH. So what’s a history book loving homeschooling mom to do? Combine them, of course!
You knew that was coming.
For Lee who is in 10th grade using AO’s Y9, I really can’t see adding much to what she has on her schedule already without frying her brain causing her to burn out. But for Fox, who is in 8th grade using Y7Lite, there’s room. Lots of room.
With AO we are going through these books for history:
  • The Birth of Britain by Winston Churchill
  • In Freedom's Cause by G.A. Henty
  • The Life of King Alfred by Asser
  • and (Personal Recollections of) Joan of Arc by Mark Twain
Here’s what I plan on including in addition to the history readings from AO {some of the books are available from both YC and HH}:
From HH-
  • Historical Tales- English- by Morris
  • Great Englishmen by Synge
  • European Hero Stories by Tappan
  • and In the Days of William the Conqueror by Tappan (or William the Conqueror by Abbott)
ycovalFrom YC-
  • The Little Duke by Yonge
  • Men of Iron by Pyle
  • Streams of History: The Middle Ages by Kemp
  • and The Story of the Middle Ages by Harding
Why do I feel the need to add more to what is already on AO’s schedule? First and foremost I don’t, but because both of my kids like to read and unfortunately, it’s difficult to find good books nowadays that engage and stimulate their minds, I will. It is a lot of twaddle that’s written today. I figure if they can read books that are about real people, events and/or locations that do engage and stimulate their minds, all the better. Both of my kids really liked the inclusion of so many different perspectives and accounts of history that are found in both YC and HH. But I won’t be leaving AO Smile
As the year goes on, I’m sure I’ll add more books from the collections I have from HH and YC to AO.
**And because I am an affiliate with Heritage History I want to let you know that they have a discount going on right now –through January 31, 2013 –when you purchase any of their classical history curriculums {retail $24.99}, you can receive the Early America library for free {retail $19.99}. You have to put both in your cart and enter BLOSSOM3 at checkout.**
And now, I have to get back to getting the schedules finished. School starts back up January 7th!


  1. Awesome. I love Heritage History. We too have been combining quite a few of these amazing resources. Great post!

  2. I love that we have the freedom as homeschoolers to combine/change/supplement curriculums! I've checked out Heritage History. I had never heard of them.. I really want to use the discount! Hmmm. :-)

  3. I tried to buy using the code, and it said the code had expired?

  4. I am not sure why it says that, Leah. I contacted Heritage History and am waiting to hear back but the initial response was that the code should be good. I'll update as I find out more. I'm sorry that it didn't work right away! I'm hoping it will be fixed asap!

  5. That's okay. I'll try it again today and let you know. :-) It's a good deal!


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