I had thought I’d share the exam results from last week but decided not to. Perhaps it would be encouraging to some who are using AO and wondering how it would look –what kind of answers were given –but I guess you could say I’m just not encouraged myself by the results.
This week of ‘school’ hasn’t been very successful because every. single. day we have had something going on, and late. I’m worn out and it’s only Wednesday! We had a very busy week last week as well and it’s catching me up.
Yesterday the kids and I sat down and talked about their educational goals –in terms of this particular school year and the subject areas. I emphasized that it is important for them to take their education seriously and personally. This is the foundation of what ever they do with the rest of their lives. I can only take it so far, the rest will be up to them. If they don’t put forth the effort now, it won’t serve them later.
For all the subject areas, we only talked about what needed to have something different or more emphasis. If it’s not mentioned, such as a book or aspect of the subject, doesn’t mean it’s been kicked out (don’t they wish ).
We started with Math –no idea why, it was what was mentioned first by them, not me. Math is a difficult subject for us sometimes and other times it is not. We are at a ‘difficult’ time right now. I’m more interested in them understanding the concepts and remembering how to do the work rather than marking off a book or program.
Lee: Finish Advanced Algebra (Life of Fred); by the year’s end (May?).
Fox: Pearson Algebra 1- take it day by day; see how far we get by end of year (we have a subscription until July 2013).
Lee: She wants to be able to recall more of what she reads and has decided to follow a reading schedule (2 years to read the Bible). And she will do written narrations as opposed to verbal; her choice so she can look back on them.
She also wants to be able to recall the verses she’s memorized for longer so we will start a verse memory box (?). –Which reminds me, I have to look that up.
Fox: He wants to use the Chronological Bible in a Year schedule that I use. I think it will definitely require more self-discipline from him since he will read more than one chapter a day –even the weekend –and a narration is still required.
As for verses, he has made the observation that although he does not like to, he needs to actually write the entire verse every day in order to be able to memorize them. Especially for longer passages.
Foreign Language:
Lee: Latin: finish First Form Latin and start Second Form Latin. Using the DVD more (rather, in lieu of my ‘teaching’) is something we think will help with learning this language.
Greek: She might need to go back to the previous level to review what she should know but doesn’t. It is a struggle to move forward in her current level without that base knowledge.
American Sign Language: She is interested in the ‘grammar’ of signing. Also would like to search out ‘outside’ sources for more learning (other homeschoolers, groups of sign language users, etc.).
Fox: Latin: Catch up and finish First Form Latin. I would like for him to be a the same point as Lee so we can start Second Form Latin at the same time. Same thoughts about using the DVD.
German: He uses Transparent Language from our public library and is currently in Unit 3 (towards the end?) and would like to get through Unit 5.
Home Ec:
Lee: Learn to make a basic skirt, patch pants and make cloth napkins.
Fox: Learn to cook 3 new things on his own.
Ohio Study:
Both are going to make a Power Point presentation and write a paper. Lee chose to focus on artists and authors from or currently in Ohio. Fox chose to focus on myths and legends. They will be required to have a list of books, websites, articles, etc., that they will use for references for me to ‘approve’ of, I suppose is the way to say it. Also, rough drafts and final project. Should be interesting
This is anything Language Arts related.
Both: Outlining. Fox says he was taught how in public school. I didn’t know that and wouldn’t know it lol. Lee may have been…? Anyway, I want to make sure they can since I personally cannot do it very well. I’m going to use Writer’s, Inc. and a few websites.
Lee: She wants more editing work. I want her to work on essays. She has books for editing –The Elements of Editing: A Modern Guide for Editors and Journalists by Arthur Plotnik, The Copyeditor’s Handbook: A Guide for Book Publishing and Corporate Communications by Amy Einsohn and Editor in Chief B1 from The Critical Thinking Co. (grades 6-8 so a little below her grade but it is full of exercises). I plan to implement POWA for the writing. I actually got it when they had it free on Amazon and put it on my Fire.
Fox: Spelling using Spelling City and dictation of passages from his books.
Lee: More geography via Seterra. I also want her to make a route in Google Earth based on The Royal Road to Romance but I don’t know yet how to do that. For history, there are few (couple?) videos to watch for more background on the time period she is studying.
Fox: More map work and biographies. Map work was his choice; biographies was mine. When he reads through The Birth of Britain he often doesn’t know who some of the people are so a few quick biographies will help with that.
Lee: Wants to be able to apply the techniques she’s learned from Lee Hammond books, start to finish without using images from the book. For her trumpet, she would like to work on producing clear notes and sounds and to work through the book she has.
Fox: Wants to do rendition of the art study we do. He wants to learn to play the piano which means we need to find someone who will/can teach him. We do not have a piano either so that might be a bit difficult.
Overall I think out goals session went well. Fox was a little stubborn at the start but took more responsibility as we went on. Something that I want to focus on as well is Career Choice. Lee knows what she wants to do; she has known for a few years now. Fox is ‘sure’ he will be in the military but I keep telling him even in the military he needs to have some focus of a job. It’s not PT all the time and drills.
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