Verse of the Day {KJV}

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Exam Term 1, Y9

This exam is almost exactly what can be found at AO’s free curriculum website but I edited it some to better fit our circumstances. I added questions to Bible, about The Roar on the Other Side, English Grammar we are using Traditional English Sentence Style so questions reflect that, a question pertaining to Peter the Great, few different places for Geography and a blank map to fill-in. I omitted writing/penmanship and dictation, a thing or two from Literature, and since we aren’t as far in Ourselves, changed that question. The science questions I just have no idea about so they are general. I also changed the Foreign Language and decided to simply go with work that she’s doing in that particular language. The math I left as is but I will definitely need to change that next time, although I do like that they are more applicable questions than like most math tests.

1. Name four doctrines of the Christian faith, and explain two in detail.
2. Tell what you know about the circumstances of Samson’s birth.
3. Describe the theft of the ark and what resulted.
4. Relate one of Paul’s letters to the Corinthians or the beginning of his letter to the Galatians.
1. Write a letter home as if you were Gulliver, describing Lilliput.
2. Describe the part you found most humorous in Isaac Bickerstaff, Coverley, or Tale of a Tub.
3. What was your favorite Stepping Stone from The Roar on the Other Side? Describe it and why did you enjoy it?
English Grammar
1. What is a prepositional phrase? Give an example in a sentence; underline the prepositional phrase.
2. Name other ‘phrases’ and give examples. Or, in the sentence below show the clauses by double underlining the conjunction.
•    I proceed to a third rule for the unity of sentences; this is to keep clear of all parentheses in the middle of them.
3. Parse (Question? Haven’t quite figured out the wording to this one…maybe I’ll just leave it
•    Among the many people making up the great household there was a little girl of seven named Esther Johnson. She was a delicate little girl with large eyes and black hair. She and Swift soon grew to be friends, and he spent his happiest hours teaching her to read and write. It is pleasant to think of the gloomy, untrained genius throwing off his gloom and bending all his talents to the task of teaching and amusing this little delicate child of seven.
1. Give an account of General James Olgethorpe or Cotton Mather.
2. Tell what you know about the leading up to/beginning of the Salem Witch Trials.
3. What do you know about Peter the Great or Catherine the Great?
4. Give a sketch of George Washington.
5. What do you know about The Great Awakening?
6. Name four of Benjamin Franklin's ideas and inventions. Describe two of them.
1. Describe the Matterhorn. Point out its location on a map.
2. Describe a trip to the pyramids or the Taj Mahal.
3. What do you know about Gibraltar, the "Pillar of Hercules"? Locate it on a map.
4. Fill in the blank map of the United States.
Science and Nutrition
1. Write notes, with drawings, on the studies you have made this term (science).
2. What do you know of the brain and its functions? (nutrition)
Citizenship/Government (Plutarch)
1. Explain how Pericles handled criticism and complaints.
2. "And, spite of pride in erring reason's spite,/One truth is clear, whatever is, is right." Explain Pope's argument in your own words.
3. What do you know of Love’s Lords in Waiting? Choose at least four to talk more about.
4. Define four of the following: liberal, conservative, left, right, democrat, republican, moderate, socialist, libertarian, communist.
1. Demonstrate the distributive property: 9(2a + b + 4) = ____
2. Julie has a jar of beads. She used half of them to make a bracelet. Later she bought more, tripling the number of beads in the jar. Now there are 33 beads in the jar. How many beads did Julie start with?
3. A triangle has three angles labeled x, y, and z. The ratio of x to y is 1:13. The ratio of y to z is 13:1. What is the value of each of the angles, x, y, and z?
4. A store is advertising a 35 percent discount on an item they marked up 5 percent from the factory price of $350. The sales tax is 8.25 percent. What does the item cost?
5. A train leaves the station at 2:00 pm at 40 mph. Another train headed in the opposite direction leaves the same station at 4:00 pm at 60 mph. To the nearest mile, how far are the two trains from each other at 6:00 pm?
6. Solve for x: 68 = 4(2x + 3)
Foreign Language
1. Write the Latin prayer you chose.
2. (Latin) Do Quiz Lesson 30.
3. Sign at least 10 words.
4. (Greek) Complete page 29 & 30 in your workbook.   
Play a short piece on your trumpet.
Picture Study
Describe a picture from this term's picture study.
Turn in some of your best art work.
Recite the Bible verses from this term.
Music Appreciation
Tell about your favorite piece of music from this term.
Sing “Victory in Jesus” or another hymn of your choice.
Turn in your commonplace book and all current events pages

What did you think of this Term 1 exam? What do you think would help you next time?

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