Verse of the Day {KJV}

Friday, September 10, 2010

Planning Ahead...I'm Lost

Sat down last night (before midnight!) and was going to 'plan ahead' the kids' schedules. Well, not their schedules so much as my goals for them. I realized: I don't know how to do that!

It is very easy for me to pick up a book that I would like them to read and study from, split it up over a space of x-amount of days/weeks/months and voila! their schedule is in place. But when I think about what I want them to get out of what they've read or studied, I'm lost.

I've been reading a few places that have their plans in place, their goals written out, but I'm lost. Just a bit ago I visited the Holistic Homeschooler and was marveling at her organization. She looks like she's got it together. And then you look at other's who have it down.

I know it's not good to compare myself to others...

Pooh... something else for me to work on. When my kids ask me, "Why do I need to read this?" "Why did you pick this book?" "What good will this subject even be?" I need to be able to have something to say besides "It's part of school." I don't use "Because I said so" ;) although I'm tempted quite often. I need to be able to give myself an answer to those questions, even if they don't ask.


  1. hmmm... good things to think through. :) let me know when you come up with an answer! thankfully, mine rarely ask me why! ;)

    I just tell them because it is SO interesting!! ;)

    amy in peru

  2. That´s very thought provoking, to tell you the truth to me YOU and everybody but me look like has it all together...
    I think deep down there there is no good reason to study China instead of Europe, or Latin, or Spanish...I think the reason why we study is to train our minds and to expose them to ideas that will hopefully prompt us to our own ideas, that´s why though the parent has the lead there will always be negotiation to some extent from the children.
    I also think that following to some extent books as those listed at AO or your own living book picks will form your character over the years. Of course that´s easy to explain when you study Bible, and to me that´s the same for poetry, good literature, first sources for the rest...mathematical basic knowledge is also needed to progress in studies, but not extensive, unless they are inclined to a science degree. The rest of what we ´learn´is part of appreciating His creation and because knowledge is a noble goal in itself. It will be interesting to ask them what they think they should be learning, why, if there is value in doing things that are difficult, if there is anything they want to learn in more detail...
    CM (again, ha ha ha) said children need a rich diet of ideas, sort of like a balanced intellectual education as we want a balanced diet for the body.
    Sorry for the lenght of the comment, it´s truly a thought provoking post.

  3. Silvia that made me think of collage. So often we have to take classes that doesn't pertain to the degree we are striving for. They are prerequisites because they help us have a 'well rounded' education. I'm not sure if I agree with that for college students, but I think it could be be used in childrens education and have merit.

  4. Oh! Please do not be discouraged. I struggle with my life on a daily basis and beg God for help constantly. I fall asleep each night praying that tomorrow will be better. I am always struggling to "get it together".

    If you read more (particularly under the topic of SCHEDULES), you'll see how I struggle. It's a daily thing... But I am so flattered that you think I'm "together". I think we all look worse than everyone else.. in our minds just like Silvia says.

    The Holistic Homeschooler

  5. Thank you for your comments! I really appreciate them. You gals are always helpful.


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