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Thursday, July 22, 2010

What to do when they just don't want to do much of anything school-wise...

I haven't figured exactly how to do Charlotte Mason methods (we have narration down but... the rest, eh, not so much). I don't like worksheets and textbooks but can use them on occasion when it calls for it.

But what am I to do when every day is a challenge to get my kids to do what I want them to? I am slowly slipping away from the CM way. It's bothersome to me though because I think it is wonderful and can see the results. However, it does seem to be 'boring' in a few subjects that we do. Examples: Birth of Britain and Life of the Spider for Lee and with Fox it's just about all his subjects. It's not that they are truly 'boring', I don't think but that maybe there aren't enough 'exciting' aspects. If that makes sense. It seems that they do much better with the 'traditional' methods and by that I mean textbooks and worksheets.

I'm a little stumped by 'why' they do better. Perhaps it is just that they dislike monotony. The same things each day, the same way. I mix up our schedules so that not all reading is done at the same time nor is all the math or science type subjects. It's varied. But perhaps sometimes they want something different. It could be also, and this is what I think, that they want things to be spoon-fed to them again. It takes effort on their part and mine to keep at the CM way.

I guess I am just feeling a bit discouraged at the moment. They don't want to push themselves and when I try to get them to challenge themselves, they push back- makes for a long day!

Lee is working on her own in Japanese and that is great. Some of the subjects I mentioned earlier she can't stand. I am going to break down and let her do a different book for History but at the same time I feel that I am letting her down by giving in. It doesn't do any good for her or me to have to plug through something that is just not working. There's nothing wrong with the books though, it's the mindset that they have that is the problem.

I am glad that next week is a break week. We are taking a wee bit of a family vacation. Perhaps that is just what we need to break up the monotony. It's funny because they read all the time...unless I tell them to. Then it's a chore. You can bet that they will both be buried in their books while we are traveling to and from home this next week.

One thing is for sure, I am not buying any 'new' or 'new-to-me' curriculum! We are going to make due with what we have and I guess I will just have to try to figure out a way that they dislike it less. I'm not sure how I missed cultivating their love of learning so horribly. I think, at times, I have to realize they are responsible for their own attitudes and actions.


  1. We all go through times like these, glad next week is a break. :) Know that you are in it with alot of friends. I don't do Ambleside or Sunlight cause we never want to read what they want us to read, when they want us to read it. That will never really happen in life later. People forcing you into a book club when you hate the book. :) The boys are more than willing to read to learn a topic or subject though, when they need to learn how to do something. :) Chin Up!

  2. I can't help you fully, I don't have children your age...but one thing was funny. I thought the traditional way with worksheets and textbooks was the monotonous and boring one. If they thrive with something that's fine. And I see your problem, I have had it at our level.
    The thing is that what you are having them do is externally brought upon them, and they are not motivated. I understand there are some things that have to be done, and CM is not about what the kids just 'fancy' now or tomorrow.
    I need to post about this. However, narration and reading books from the AO are not exactly the CM way. If you are not doing the nature, artist, composer, free readings, dictation, hands on math, living history and free readings, your hs is going to suffer.
    However, I see your children love to read, they are rejecting you running the orchestra, and as for wanting to be spoon-fed, they may want you to guide them, to accompany them, not to decide for them.
    I have to disagree with pebblekeeper, AO (Songlight is a different story) is not a reading list, you don't even have to follow those books to have a CM hs. The principle of having some readings that are the spines for history/geography/ that you read and they narrate is very different than a list of TBR books. AO offers a wholesome list where to read from to inspire the IDEAS in the children through slow reading, attention on their part, and narration. That only has to be a short time of your day. The rest you'll shuffle the more attractive 'subjects' and combine a more hands on (going out to stretch or to observe nature) with a 'harder for them one', such as dictation, copy work, or a sitting down activity.
    But I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. Pebblekeeper is VERY VERY right in her observations, if you are forced it's not going to work. If you hs without AO, you can have a fantastic hs. We ALL go through these times, INDEED,I'm glad Blossom that you have many to be willing to give you different opinions. And Chin Up! OF COURSE...don't get hang up on anything, your hs doesn't have to be CM or this or that. We ALL go through reconsideration and analysis periods, being so imperfect makes us sooooo wonderful moms, like you are.
    I admire your dedication.

  3. Thanks, Angie and Silvia, for your comments. You've given me some comfort...I'm pretty sure we just need a break... :)

  4. I hope you have a great break. I can't really give you a ton of insight on the CM way.


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