Verse of the Day {KJV}

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sunday- Finally made it to Church

So with us being gone on our Oregon trip we haven't been to church in uh, well, let's just say it's been awhile. Dear hubby was able to go at least once while we were gone but was also out of town on the other Sundays.

There is just something about being in church. It doesn't matter what the building is officially called (mine is Torrington Baptist Tabernacle, yours may be something very different) it holds a certain something when you walk inside. It isn't really the people either (although they do help, don't they?). It isn't the building at all. It is the presence of God. Plain and simple.

When you walk in, before you are greeted by anyone, there is something you can feel envelope or surround you that is comforting. When the preacher, pastor, elder or what ever title they hold, begins to speak, the Word of God is there.

In our church they say "Amen" a lot and it used to really bother me. We also have a time of 'testimony' at the beginning of services that used to make me uncomfortable. I am used to it now and although I am not the type of person to say "Amen" randomly and unfortunately I don't stand up and tell of all the good things that God has done for me, or give my 'testimony', I felt so good to be back.

We had "Q&A" Sunday school today. I love it when it is "Q&A." It is a small church and it seems the numbers are falling all the time (perhaps we are at a plateau now). There is usually one, perhaps two people that ask questions during this time. The one that does so more than half the time is my hubby. He asks the questions that make you think. At least the pastor has to take a moment to collect his thoughts before answering!

I will share what the question was today but don't go getting ideas! He asked for the separating point from the Old Testament and the New Testament pertaining to polygamy. It was allowed in the Old Testament but not in the New Testament. He often will ask for comparisons from the OT and the NT. Like the laws from the OT and the laws of the NT. Anyway, I cannot remember how the topic came up but my husband and I were discussing when and why did polygamy become taboo, and obviously not legal today*. I know that it has never been acceptable in the US. But in the OT is was the norm, I believe. It was an interesting question. There were a few snickers from the family behind us in church when he asked the question. The answer given by the pastor was an interesting one but I am not so sure that he 'answered' the question, if that makes sense. He said that because of the 'hard-heartedness of the Israelites' God allowed it. But at a later point he makes mention that God had a plan when the 12 tribes of Israel were from one father and four mothers. That seems a little contradictory to me...It would like saying God changed His plan because the people wouldn't cooperate- just doesn't sound right. In the OT there is no mention of how many wives that one is allowed to have but in the NT there is somewhat of a 'rule' set that says one wife per husband. Although, the OT does say:
"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." Genesis 2:24- emphasis mine to show wife as singular not plural.
Pastor described it as "I don't know how you can get three-shall-be-one like you can 'the two shall be one'".

The message delivered for service was about being humble enough to listen, truly hear, and obey what Jesus has said to us and what is continuing to be said through the Bible. I cannot remember everything that was said but I enjoyed the talk.

It was just so nice to be there today.

*The topic actually came up somewhat from my studies of the Celtic peoples this term- they practiced polygamy, which the Christian, civilized Romans thought part of their barbarianism.

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