Bible: Genesis 41. Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams. In the KJV bible it says that Pharaoh's dream was of kine and corn. Or cows and corn. But I had always heard it as cows and wheat. Not that this makes a difference in the outcome or significance of the dream, it is just something that the kids and I noticed. So, Joseph's interpretation from God was that the dreams stood for seven years of plenty and seven years of famine. The reason that Pharaoh had two dreams that mean the same thing is to show that it will surely take place. That is something that I noticed as important at the time but forgot to point out to the kids ...and they didn't notice...I didn't notice that they didn't notice..til now. Joseph's name is changed to Zeph'nath'pa'aneah (the accent points may be wrong) and he is given Ase'neth for a wife; Zephnathpaaneah has two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. The famine consumed the entire world. I wonder if this means the world that was known at the time or literally 'all' the world. No matter, it made it necessary for people from all over come to Egypt to find food because Joseph (Zephnathpaaneah) had heeded God's warning and collected food when there was plenty for when there would be devastation due to the famine.

Update later...
and the update is: we are taking the rest of the day off :) They say I am the best mom ever. :) They still have to do chores, heehee ;)
It sounds like you guys had a good day!
ReplyDeleteI think that wheat and corn are interchangeable. Corn means wheat, barley, rye or maize. In Palestine at the time the Bible was written, maize was not available, so it would have to mean one of the other three. I would also imagine that wheat was the prominent grain used at the time, although I didn't look that up.
Ah, thanks for that. I thought it was strange to read 'corn'...